Am I late?

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Kanae did not hesitated when that warning came out of Sabito's mouth. When something is related to Shin there will be no doubt on her actions. She will put her own life in risk if it is for him.

Sabito and her took separate ways. The man said that he will think of something to get out.

It was only a matter of second for her to realize what was happening: someone came to kill or abduct her and Shin.


Even if her brain didn't yelled those orders, her body moved on its own, the dormant mother instinct were awaken by the danger of the situation.

As soon as she reached Shin's room, she opened the door and put a lock on it. The boy looked at her with an interrogation sign planted on his face.

"Mom?" The little kid asked with a small tremble.

It was the pale face of her mother that scared him. For such a long time there was not a single occasion where the always calm, smiling and loving face of Kanae Kocho shown a expression like this time: Her eyes wide open, cold sweat running down her face and uneven breathing. For a kid it was the same view imagined from waking up after a nightmare.

Kanae tried to regain composure, but, when you're in danger of being kidnapped or worse, there was no time for her to lose. She must take Shin away from this place.

For a moment she analyzed the room. Child proof, of course. The windows are secured and opening them will take some time, there is only one door to enter and exit. That means that the only way to escape is...

"Let's go Shin!" Kanae picked the kid up, escaping is the top priority, not time to pick clothes or toy. That can be replaced, life cannot.

The child could only tremble when her mother rushed to him.


Kanae held her breath. Heavy steps coming to where they are. She knows... every cell inside her is sending a warning, a signal to run away.

*Thump* *Thump*

With her eyes, she looked around. The window, too high to escape. The door... only if she wants to get caught.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Time's over.

When the door was forced opened, four masked men stepped in. Kanae was unaware of the fact that the red Oni masks were the same that attacked the Kocho laboratories.

"This is the room of the kid. Or at least what those bodyguards told us."

Four bastards were more than enough to search the upper floor. The other six will be downstairs. And one roaming around the house on search of any unexpected visitors.

Kanae felt her body temperature going down at any passing second. Not even the small body of her son cuddled against her is enough to calm the fear.

"Come out, come out wherever you are."

The loud boots where making their way to the only place where someone can hide.

The closet.

"And here they are!" The masked man opened the door, pointing his gun to make sure that no funny business is tried, one move and a bullet will made the work.



There was no bitch in there. Not even the brat that is supposed to be in the room. However they already knew that. They could feel the gaze of the woman. She was close and the stench of fear was there too.

Extreme Ways (GiyuShino) Where stories live. Discover now