Chapter 9

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I cracked open the bottle less than half to my room, only feeling pleased when I heard Dexter wrestle the cap off his bottle. Part of me wanted to let loose in that moment, smash this bottle on the floor and scream with laughter. I had failed. I had been given a chance, a pity offering at that, and I had still fucked it up. Why not go out with a bang?

But he was still my cousin and I was still his guest. And the reality was that this was not his fault. It was mine. This was my burden to carry and the sober section of my brain reminded me that it would be easier to hoist in the morning.

That didn't mean I wanted to be clear-headed now though. I was only a little surprised that most of the bottle was gone by the time we reached my room. In my defense, it was a decently long walk and Dexter had polished off his beer just the same. We stumbled inside together. I only had a chance to discard our bottles properly before he followed through with his promise in the ballroom.

One hand grabbed both of my wrists. With two quick steps, I was forced backwards and against a wall. The first thought was that I was drunker than I realized. He had overpowered me and I hadn't even been able to think of how to stop him. The second thought was that the slit on the thigh had been pushed open and my left leg was completely exposed, the air suddenly feeling so cold.

And then there was Dex. My eyes met his. He was my best friend. I had grown up alongside. But right then, I was fully aware of him. The grip on my wrists was firm. His body, lean and strong, was pressed against mine, keeping me pinned. A thigh was pressed between my legs, preventing any squirming. I could feel his every breath. In this slinky dress, my body responded immediately.

"Tell me what's going through that head," Dex insisted when I quickly turned away.

His free hand was warm and gentle against my cheek, carefully turning my head towards him again. With his palm still against my face, his thumb brushed down the tip of my nose, tracing my cupid's bow and the outside of my mouth until it came to settle on my chin.

It should have been an innocent touch. I should have let it be an innocent touch. But it made my belly quiver and so suddenly it was all I wanted.

My hips rolled on their own accord, pushing my core down on his thigh for the briefest of seconds. Maybe that small indiscretion could have slid under the radar. We could have brushed it off as nothing but a drunken stagger. But I turned my head ever so slightly, taking one of Dex's fingers into my mouth and sucking ever so gently.

"Lonny," he whispered, but his voice was unlike I had ever heard it.

I think the mark of a true agent would have been stopping here and considering the options because we never rushed headfirst into anything, especially when damage could be done. This was my best friend. This was the person I relied on to keep me sane, to make me laugh. Sex could change that. Rejection could change that. One shake of the head could be enough to destroy years of bonding.

But I didn't care in that moment. There was no denying that I was attracted to him and our relationship came with comfort. Right now, I wanted the rush of an orgasm paired with the safety of familiar arms wrapped around me. Dexter was the only person who could give me that.

"I need you," I murmured.

"You're drunk," he countered, but his gaze hadn't moved off my lips and he hadn't inched backwards.

"So are you. It's just one night. If you want me, it doesn't have to be more complicated than that."

Dex tipped his head back, letting out a quick breath as he stared at the high ceilings. "I'm not in the mood to be vanilla, London. Are you prepared to give up your control for the night?" he challenged. His words were a warning in their own right, but his hand left the side of my face and his fingers had begun tracing the tiny strap on my shoulder. If he nudged it far enough my bare breast would be exposed to him.

While I loved my life always working in perfect order, knowing exactly when and how each event was going to happen, that was not how I liked my sex life. Here, with my wrists pinned above my head, I felt wild and free. To have each touch and kiss be unexpected, to know what I wanted and what I needed but not be able to demand it, it made my organized mind turn to mush for a moment. Right now, it was all I craved.

"I'll do anything you ask."

There was no hesitation, only a startling glint in his eyes. "Then get on your knees."

The second he released my wrists, I did as he commanded, sinking to my knees slowly. I kept my eyes on his every second, amazed that this was happening, that sweet, kind Dexter was telling me to kneel in front of him as he undid his belt. Quick work of a button and zipper and Dexter's cock was before me.

I took him in my mouth before I could think twice about it, surprised by his girth and length. Immediately he let out a hiss of breath and his hand came to the back of my head, gripping my curled hair just enough that it stung in the best way. "I want you to take it as deep as you can," he stated.

I eased back, swirling my tongue around the head twice before sinking down, just like he asked me. I pushed more of him into my mouth until I felt my throat resist. I paused there, peering up at him through my eyelashes. But when I started to move back, his grip on the nap of my neck tightened.

"Relax for me, sweetheart. I know you can take more of me."

I was nothing if not willing to please. I stayed perfectly still for him and thought about how I wanted to make him feel and what I could do for him. All I wanted was to hear a deep groan, watch his head tip back in ecstasy. My throat relaxed and when Dex felt it, he kept the steady hold on my head and eased himself a little further in my mouth.

"Good girl."

The two words went straight to my core, making my already wet cunt, even wetter. I moaned around his thick member.

My body began to automatically draw away after a short while as the oxygen was depleted and Dex let me go just enough so I could suck in a breath before I was steered back down two more times. One the third time he released me entirely. I blinked up at him with blurry eyes and saw that his legs looked a little weak and his chest was heaving as if he were out of breath, but he was already making quick work of his tie and the buttons on his shirt.

"Take your dress off," he ordered.

I rose back up to my full height and slowly brushed on fragile strap off my shoulder. Then the other. The dress fluttered to the floor without a sound, leaving my entire body bare to Dexter's eyes.

"You weren't wearing anything underneath this whole time?"

I shook my head.

Teeth pressed into his lower lip. "Fuck. Get on the bed."

~~~Distraction Section~~~

We have hit one thousand reads! Yay! To celebrate, I will be updating everyday until Jan 6th when The Girl With The Mouse Ears is released!

Question of the Day: What were you really good at as a child but aren't anymore?

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