Chapter 31

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Dexter could sense that something had changed. I felt it in the way he tucked a blanket around me. I saw it in the way his eyes lingered when he thought I couldn't see or the shy smile that graced his mouth when he brought me a bowl of soup. The attraction was still there and the lust was red-hot, but this was something softer and gentler.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't terrified. Growth and development were essential to life, but knowing that didn't alleviate the deep-seated fear that festered in my belly. No words had been spoken, but intents were clear. Whatever we had been, we were no more. And there was no going back.

Doubts still lived in my mind. What if this didn't work out? Was I really risking my longest friendship over good sex? What would happen when we inevitably realized that we were too different to form a sustainable relationship? The risks felt high, and maybe it was my murky, post-sex brain that was making the decisions, but I couldn't find it in me to care.

"Are you happy?" I asked, my voice so low and soft it surprised me.

Dexter didn't even hesitate. He flashed me a bright grin. "Of course, I'm happy." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Two of the greatest things happened to me today."

I could have argued then. Maybe, I should have argued. If I denied it now, there could still be a chance to undo whatever was done before it was too late. Instead, I grinned up at him, only confirming whatever he was thinking.

"Are you okay if I stay a while? Your roommate is going to come home—"

"You're staying," Dexter said. "You're staying as long as you can stand me."

Dexter had whispered dirty things in my ear that should never be repeated but this is what made me blush hotter than ever before. Part of me wanted to pull the blanket over my head and squeal like an excited girl. All because I was learning to let those walls down. All because I was allowing myself to be vulnerable and to feel everything that I had been brushing aside for so long.

But the next emotion that struck me was not one of happiness or tenderness.

"Oh, it's Calvin," Dexter blurted, leaping off the couch as if his vibrating cell phone had burned him.

"Oh?" My throat already felt tight.

"Do you mind if I take this?"

What could I say? I forced a small smile. "Go right ahead, I'll be waiting right here for you."

Dexter moved from the living room to the kitchen, but I could still hear his voice as he greeted his brother. Would Calvin rat on me? It was only fair really. I had come into his home and accused him of wanting to harm his own brother while he was striving to get his life back together. How would Dexter react? There was a possibility he would see my side and think that I was trying to protect him. There was also the chance that he wouldn't care about that and be furious that I had crossed the line.

I held my breath and strained my ears.

"Oh, you saw? That's awesome. I knew that I signed a form that it could be televised, but I didn't know it would be. Sometimes they make you sign away so much just to cover their own asses, you know?"

I would have given anything to hear Calvin on the other line and wondered if there was a way to tap phones from my own cell phone. I would have to ask Jasper about it.

"Yeah, third is good. I'm pretty happy with it, especially considering that it's my first real race." I heard him suck in a breath, almost like he was grasping for courage. "I haven't heard from you in a long time. How are you?" He was fearing the answer he usually received, that Calvin wanted money, that something bad had happened, that someone was now after him.

That was not what he got. "You're clean." A sigh of disbelief. "Are you serious Cal?"

For a moment there was nothing but relieved laughter.

"Calvin, I'm so proud of you! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" two breaths for a response. "Why would I be embarrassed? Why would I judge you? Calvin, you're my brother. I love you."

The hands that were clutching the blanket around me relaxed. "What do you mean London came to see you?" Only to tighten right back up.

There was nothing for a long time. I felt like I didn't even suck in a breath during the stretch of silence. Calvin must have been recounting every single word that I had snarled in his face. Dexter would be visualizing me forcing my way into his brother's home and accusing him of something completely wretched and I could do nothing because it was all true. It didn't matter that I had done it with good intentions. I had let my ego and my prejudices get in the way.

"I'll explain it all to you later," Dexter finally murmured, his words surprisingly calm. "But let's do coffee and catch up. Text me when you're off work and I'll figure something out, okay? Alright, I love you and I'm proud of you."

I waited, listening and counting each step as Dexter came out of the kitchen. His expression was entirely unreadable as he rounded the corner and for a moment, I saw him as I imagine others did. Cold, quiet, focused. He leaned a shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. It wasn't the rage that I expected, but it certainly wasn't pleasant either.

"Why would you think Calvin would do it?" he asked softly.

"He seemed like the most realistic option," I said firmly, raising my chin.

"Calvin would never do that to me."

"I didn't know that, and to be fair, I still don't know that. I'm just making a choice to trust him."

"Well trust me. I'm telling you that Calvin didn't write that letter," Dexter insisted.

"You sound pretty certain for someone who refused to give me a pinch of information," I accused. "I'm doing the best I can with this shitty evidence I was given. There's no camera footage, no real suspects, and the fucking letter is gone."

"Why can't you let this go?" he demanded. "I thought Jasper told you very specifically not to solve this."

My eyes narrowed. Something was wrong. Something was off. "Are you protecting someone?"


"It is Calvin, isn't it? Because, as someone who received a very real threat, you should want me to solve this. If Calvin did this, he needs to be punished. And if you're protecting someone else, you need to tell me now."

"It's not Calvin! And I want you to let this go right now." His words were loud and sharp, but I saw the way he was squirming.

I had hit a cord. I tossed the blanket off my body, rising to my feet. I kept my green eyes locked on Dexter as I approached him slowly, using the intimidation tactic I had learned from Jasper. Shoulders back, head high, and completely emotionless. Dex didn't even flinch, meeting me evenly.

"You are my assignment. I'm not going to let this go until I solve this."

Dexter didn't tear his gaze from mine, but I saw his jaw clench. "It was fake."

I was the one to falter, blinking twice as I softened with surprise and confusion. "What?"

"It was all fake. I wrote the fucking threat against myself."

~~~Question of the Day~~~

What invention doesn't get a lot of love but has changed the world?

Indoor plumbing for me!

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