ッyou guys get a pet

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" Okay here's the plan we get the turtle in their house without leaving any evidence," said Frank while he held a turtle in a small aquarium. Ray sighed, he was holding the turtle food. While Mikey held everything else " Still don't think this is a good idea" mumbled Mikey. Frank rolled his eyes playfully "We'll be fine man". The three of them hopped into a car.

(who's car it was i have no idea). Finally, they pulled into Y/N's and Gerard's driveway. The three boys sneaked in from the back. "Ok everyone go go go!" Frank whispered-yelled. Frank set up the aquarium and put in the colorful pebbles and water.

Ray filled a small bowl with turtle food. While Mikey just held the turtle and stood there awkwardly. "Ok the missions done let me just steal one of their cookies" Frank grabbed a cookie and they all left.---" I swear to god that movie was so boring" complained Y/N. Gerard laughed "Yeah I feel bad for suggesting it". Y/N laughed and went over to the kitchen to get (favorite food). Instead, she was met with a turtle in an aquarium and a bowl of ...turtle food? " Hey Gee did you order a turtle or something," Y/N asked.

"No why... is there a turtle army in our kitchen? "He walked over to the kitchen and saw the turtle. He facepalmed, "What?" asked Y/N. "I was talking with Frank and I told him you liked turtles". Y/N snorted just Frank being Frank. She went over and grabbed the turtle. "He's cute let's name him (name)" she said.

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