Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Birthdays and Heirlooms"


"Give me the professor's name and I'll end them." Simon Lewis says as my sister, Clarissa Fray walked over to the table him and i were seated, holding the drawings in her hand.

i shot him a look, as he added, "You know with a scathing e-mail to the dean."

"What he means is, if they wanna crush your dreams, I get to crush their bones." I quickly said, being equally supportive.

"A bit harsh Perce but yeah same thing." Simon added, already used to my behavior.

"Don't bother." Clarissa sat down, placing the letter in front of us.

Simon picked it up, letting out a gasp, "What?". I looked over his shoulder trying to decipher the words. Dyslexia is a pain in the ass. "What?" I asked.

"Sad face? really Clary?" Simon laughs, "She got in" He said to me. "Well played Clarissa" I laugh. Clarissa and Simon both joins me soon.

 Moments like this make me realize that I'm a teenager too. We are children thrown in adult war. We don't deserve to live like this. I don't deserve to live like this. yet It's our fate. Our fate that our parents brought us. 

It's been a year since the Second Giant War and things have changed. The nightmares are still there but not as much as before. The pain is still there but not as bad as before. I'm healing and that's what matters.

Clarissa and Simon helped too. They didn't know about what happened, but they understood that what I went through affected me greatly and that i needed help. and so they helped me. It may be little things like movie nights and Family dinner, But it did brought me back from going into Depression.

I was brought back from my thoughts by Clarissa saying, "You know, what's weird? They sort of liked my assigned work, but they flipped over the drawings for our graphic novel." she told us "I tried telling them that it was there by accident, but they told me they didn't believe in mistakes and viola."

"You're Welcome." Simon and I say simultaneously, revealing that we were the one who had placed it with her work, gaining a weirded out expression from her.

Clarissa laugh lightly, "This has officially gone down as the best birthday I've ever had."

"Which is why we are celebrating tonight!" I exclaim, "Yes, with Maureen, after the show."

"So what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clarissa asked Simon. "Oooohhhh drama." I looked at Simon, the waitress setting down our order.

"What deal? No deal?" Simon shooks his head, "We sing together."

"You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" Clarissa gapes at him. It is my turn to gape at her, "Gods Clarissa, you seriously don't know he's been crushing on you ever since diaper times?"

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