Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Belle and Hawkeye"


"Is your brother always like this?"

I groan as I take a seat near Clarissa's bed, who is currently recovering from demon venom. "Why does he acts like a grumpy potato?"

" Alec, following the rules, being the leader, Don't worry he'll come around." Izzy Lightwood, the pretty girl in the Pandemonium, smiled at me as she entered the room taking a seat near me.

It's been two days since the incident. During this time, Izzy and I bonded a lot. But her brother on the other hand...yeah, not so much. Turns out, the dude with the bow, I saw in the pandemonium was her brother, Alec Lightwood. Every time I look at him, he walks away, not before giving me a death glare that could rival Nico's.

"Will she be ok?" I ask worriedly, as I glance at Clarissa's sleeping figure. Jace carried her to the institute and on my confirmation that she is a shadowhunter, he healed her by drawing an Iratze on her neck. Fortunately, he didn't ask for anything else. like our parentage. But I think everyone knows my mom. Partially because she is a famous shadowhunter, but mostly because the Jackson line goes way back with the Lightwoods. but who doesn't know the goddess called Sally Jackson? no one. Duh.

Jocelyn said that my mom was one of the best shadowhunters. But after she met my Father and had me, she left everything behind. I never knew she was one until Jocelyn told me about the shadow world on my seventeenth birthday, A few days after the second giant war. just when I thought that I escaped from one dangerous world, I got thrown into another. fuck my luck.

But before she could answer, Clarissa jolts up quickly, her head hitting Izzy's.

I rushed to her side as Izzy closes her eyes, muttering a silent, "ow."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" the redhead began to ramble.

"Hey Clarissa, It's okay. You're safe now." I reassured her, as I sit near her on the bed, "How're you feeling, carrot?"

"like shit." she replies to me before looking at Izzy, "Wait, I don't know who you are."

"I'm Isabelle." she introduced herself, giving her a charming smile, "I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane or distracted. Like you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work."

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about." the redhead uttered before touching her necklace, " Who's Jace?"

"you really don't know much, do you?" Izzy smiles at her.

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