Chapter 1: Beginner's Instance (1)

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DISCLAIMER from KK: I am only translating for fun as a fan. My translations are not 100% accurate nor is it perfect. Thank you for your understanding.

Cheng Zhi Chu was awakened by a bout of violent shaking.

He opened his eyes and found himself faced with darkness. Cold wind filled with the scent of grass and wood stimulated his senses and instantly cleared his mind up. To his surprise, he noticed that his arms were firmly tied behind him by a rope and his legs were also tied together. Like this, he was rendered immobile.

The sky was dark and there weren't any stars visible. There were only dim streetlights that lightly illuminated the surroundings allowing him to make out that he was currently tied up inside the rear compartment of a truck. The truck sped through a quiet road nestled inside a forest of trees. There were no signs of human life and the truck appeared to be going though a mountain road and heading to the peak.

"Recently there have been many vicious murders occurring in the city. Police believe that it is the work of the same culprit........."

"The culprit's method of crime is extremely cruel. Before their death, victims underwent horrendous torture. Organs, limbs and reproductive organs were mutilated and missing to varying degrees......The police force is currently working hard to solve this case.........."

"We once again remind the public to pay attention to personal safety and to avoid venturing outside at night......."

Accompanying the loud engine sounds, an intermittent radio broadcast could be heard from within the car. Cheng Zhi Chu realised that something wasn't right and started to panic. He didn't know what had happened -- Clearly, he was in his dormitory with his roommates earlier. He was struck suddenly with sleepiness and, when he woke up again, he had found himself on this truck.

This wasn't a dream. He was certain about this because he could feel it with all his senses. If this wasn't a dream, then how did he end up here? Only a few seconds ago, he was still in his dormitory. How did he suddenly end up in the middle of the forest and tied up on the back of a truck?

Everything had happened too suddenly, and Cheng Zhi Chu's mind was a complete mess. It took him a while to be able to reluctantly accept his current predicament.

Although he didn't know what was going on, but seeing that he was tied up, it seemed likely that he was kidnapped. If he didn't do something now, there would definitely be something worse awaiting him later. He must escape!


The truck made a heavy sound as it rumbled along. Cheng Zhi Chu pushed back his fear and started examining the back of the truck. Finally, he found a small piece of metal that stuck out and he desperately moved over. Using the sharp edge of the metal, he repeatedly ground the rope around his hands against it.

............Faster! Must hurry!

The temperature in the mountains in the middle of the night was very low but, in a blink of an eye, Cheng Zhi Chu was covered in sweat. He clenched his teeth and endured the pain as he repeatedly ground the rope against the metal.

About ten minutes had passed but for Cheng Zhi Chu it felt like the longest ten minutes he had ever experienced. When the rope was finally cut, he struggled a few times and succeeded in freeing himself.

"Huff, huff..............."

Cheng Zhi Chu was already exhausted at this point and his arms were sore, but he didn't dare delay things any longer. Enduring the pain, he quickly pried off the rope around his legs and then patted himself down. Sure enough, his phone and wallet was missing. It must've been taken away by the person driving the truck.

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