Chapter 19: Abandoned Hospital (3)

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In the dark and silent environment, the only source of light was the light coming from the flashlights. Cheng Zhi Chu and the others walked over to the hospitals gates and Da Gao pushed the metal doors open releasing a low groan from the rusted hinges.

They walked into the courtyard and, using the light from the flashlight, Cheng Zhi Chu carefully examined its interior.

Because it had been abandoned for many years, the hospital had become very desolate and ruined. Grass grew wildly through the gaps between the broken floor tiles and rubbish and debris including concrete and glass were scattered everywhere. The guardroom and the several of the bungalows had collapsed and large posters along with several white banners hung from the walls and trees.

< Return my family's life! >

< This hospital keeps patients without treating them. It's equivalent to intentional murder! >

< Give me back my child! >

Each of these words indicated that some bloody tragedy had occurred here in the past. As they ventured further inside, they could even see that the grounds and walls of the hospital were covered in red paint saying, "close down ", "murderer " etc. It made those who saw it feel a little alarmed.

Looks like the hospital has had an accident in the past so it was forced to close down........Could it have been a serious medical accident?

Cheng Zhi Chu thought this secretly and followed the other people into the closest building. Da Gao pried open the already half-shattered door and stepped in first.

At this moment, memories suddenly appeared in Cheng Zhi Chu's mind. For example, he remembered that this was a private hospital and that there is a total of two buildings. The building that they are in now is the outpatient building and is four stories high. The building behind it is the inpatient building where he had received psychotherapy treatment several years ago. He had stayed on the eighth floor which was also the topmost floor.

He also vaguely remembered the way around. Once inside, it is the lobby and the reception would be on the left-hand side. A large LED screen hung from the wall on the right-hand side flicking through different information about the hospital....

Cheng Shi Chu suddenly panicked. At this moment, he seemingly saw the appearance of the hospital when it was still intact. The marble floor gleamed brightly with fresh green plants sitting against the wall. The wide lobby was filled with people coming and going and there was even an escalator leading upstairs in the center with two long corridors beside it that led to various clinics and doctors' rooms.........

Faced with such a complicated terrain, he was a little overwhelmed. At this moment he heard a clean and clear male voice coming from beside him. It said to him softly:

"Xiao Chu, come here. Come this way."


No, this isn't his memory. What on earth is he seeing?!

Cheng Zhi Chu was shocked, and he suddenly woke back up with large widened eyes.

At this moment, he had already walked into the outpatient building. What was before his eyes was the old and ruined first floor lobby. Everywhere was covered with dust and various parts were covered in uneven dents from smashing. There were even mottled blood and paint all over the floor.

On his left was a smashed reception desk and the LED screen on the right-hand side had been dismantled and broken into pieces. The escalator at the center had also long stopped working. Everything was exactly the same as what he had seen in his memory.

I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games by 啾咪啾咪兔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant