Chapter 70: Ghost's Bride (6)

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Bai Xi Xing rubbed his nose and subconsciously looked around. His eyes swept past the location where Cheng Zhi Chu and the groom stood but, like everyone else, he didn't notice their presence and just lowered his head and muttered a few words. He then revealed a smile and continued to speak to the old man.

"Elder Li, I actually came because I wanted to speak to you. This is something I heard of recently and I thought it was pretty interesting."

"What is it?"

The old man referred to as Elder Li briefly glanced up at Bai Xi Xing. He didn't seem to expect to hear anything proper coming from that rascal's mouth.

"Probably about six or seven years ago, I remember your family going through a bad stage. The two uncles had some problems with their company and it was almost about to shut down."

"But miraculously, just when they were just about to collapse, the company suddenly received several large orders in succession, allowing it to get through the difficult stage. Afterwards, the business got better and better and everything was smooth sailing. Your competing companies not only closed down, they even changed into another line of business leaving your business to take over the whole industry."

Bai Xi Xing sat casually and had a hint of a smile at his lips. His eyes looked into the distance and he said casually:

"Everyone is curious about how your family was able to turn their fate around. Some said that they saw a child ghost near your villa and suspected that you're raising a little ghost........"

"Humph, what nonsense." Elder Li snorted. 

He slowly gathered back the fishing line and prepared to take off the hook at the end, "How can a young man like you be so superstitious?"

"I naturally don't believe in it." Bai Xi Xing also laughed. "But there is one thing that I have recently confirmed."

"What is it?"

"Six years ago, when my cousin disappeared, someone saw that you were near the place where he was last seen." Bai Xi Xing's gaze suddenly moved over to the old man, "Elder Li, is this true?"

Cheng Zhi Chu who was listening on from the sides was shocked. Elder Li's action of removing the hook also stopped. The sharp tip left a small wound on the back of his hand and small red beads of blood flowed out.

Cheng Zhi Chu was a little scared. 

He knew that Bai Yi had disappeared six years ago but he couldn't tell whether or not the dialogue between Bai Xi Xing and the old man was something that was happening in reality or if it was part of the instance setting.

If it was the former, then does that mean that he can help Bai Yi? 

And if it was the latter, then why would this instance again involve Bai Yi?

The groom's body turned towards the old man's direction and he seemed to be looking at him. He then suddenly walked over and placed his hand on the old man's shoulder and said:

"I have an impression of him, too."

Cheng Zhi Chu heard this, and he became even more confused. The groom not only had an impression of Bai Xi Xing and Bai Yi, he also knew of this old man surnamed Li. He probably lived here in the past and may have also closely interacted with the Bai family.

He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. He couldn't tell if this was reality or just part of the instance setting. 

If it was something that had truly happened in reality, he couldn't imagine why the groom would also be buried in the same place. 

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