You are no Less

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Aishwarya's POV 

I couldn't sleep after that. What he said is true, mama was imprisoned for 10 years but that can't reverse the crime he did. Vikram's family is still suffering. This is the tragedy in their life! 

I wanted to bring them out of it but I didn't know my family is responsible for that. 

Everyday mama remembers what he did and repents. I used to think he should be forgiven, he regrets so much.

Now I realize it's up to the victims. Once you hurt someone, no matter how much you regret, it can't heal some wounds.

What should I do now? 

For the first time I'm angry with mama though I can't hate him. Vikram didn't do any less crime, he killed my heart, separated from my family. I'm going to be a mother. Not only me and my family, my child has to face the cruelty of the world for being fatherless.

I decided what to do and messaged Vikram immediately 

"I'm not going anywhere, don't tell your parents about my identity and I will not tell what you did. Forget that you ever met me. 

Don't bother me.

What you did is no less than what my uncle did. You don't deserve to be their son. They will die in shame if they know your reality. I will never forgive you but I don't want to hurt aunty and uncle. I really love them whether you believe or not"

I felt better after messaging

He read my message but didn't reply. Who cares? I'm sure he wouldn't tell about me. That's good enough for me.

I went to bed and slept. I woke up late and missed going to walk. From tomorrow I have to wake up early and follow routine, my college starts.

I didn't see Vikram or uncle in the morning 

In the evening Varna came with Vishal. She gave me big parcel with books , white coats and stethoscope. My blood boiled seeing them.

"You know I won't take for free" I said

"No big deal Aishu. Vishal got them for you. He is my brother, consider as yours" Varna said coolly 

"I hate 'brother' word" I said getting up angrily 

"It's ok calm down" she said

"Vishal what's the cost?" Varna asked Vishal

"18000" Vishal said hesitantly 

I went to my room and wrote cheque for 18000rs and gave it to him

I didn't calm down even after that.

"Why are you still like that?" Varna asked 

"The word 'brother' brought me bitter memories. There was this person in my college Dr. Karan, for three years he acted as if he cares so much for me like own brother. He is one of the persons responsible for my situation.

Once he met with accident, I donated him 2 units of blood though doctor warned me not to as my blood count was also not good. I told him, my brother would die but I won't if I donate. After I assured him I would take rest and do everything to improve my blood, he took it.

That brother betrayed me" I said looking at Vishal

"Sorry Aishu, he doesn't deserve to be your brother. Actually doesn't deserve to be called human being" Varna said emotionally 

"Not everyone is like that Aishu, don't loose trust in everyone because of few" aunty said 

"It would take a while aunty" I tried to sound normal 

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