Who's Child and Who is Grown up

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Vishal's POV 

Vicky loves Aishu truly and can't live without her. I warned him several times that hurting her would hurt him more. His revenge will burn him. 

All because of stupid promise Nikhi and Vicky made when they were kids. I thought they would think maturely and give up on their stupid revenge. Vicky had second thought about it, he thought it was not right but Nikhi was persistent and blackmailed him.

She planned everything, didn't even tell Vicky till it was time. I knew it all along. I tried to dissuade her. She chose Aishu as her target, she knew Aishu wanted to do medicine in AIIMS and is smart enough to get into. So she chose Shalini who was orphan and smart girl, sponsored her studies. 

I joined neurosurgery in her third year. Shalini introduced me as her brother. Aishu is very kind innocent girl. I love her as my sister. 

Vicky met her  almost two years  after I joined  AIIMS when he came to meet me. 

                                                   Vikram/ Sagar

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                                                   Vikram/ Sagar

He had no idea who she was, fell in love with her.


We were walking out of my room, Aishu caught his attention. She was with a little girl, Shloka


"Aishu, it's just small prick" Shloka said 

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"Aishu, it's just small prick" Shloka said 

"No, it hurts so much" Aishu said stubbornly 

I know the daily drama, Vicky was shocked seeing big girl scared of injection and little girl persuading her.

"I will give you chocolate baby, please" shloka said 


"You  give me most of the time, it doesn't hurt at all" Shloka said holding Aishu's cheeks

"Why aren't you taking if it doesn't hurt?" Aishu asked

"When did I tell I won't take? They are lying Aishu" Shloka stammered

Vicky got an idea what's going on, his face broke into smile from confusion 

Nurse handed injection to Aishu, 

"If it hurts you can punch me" Aishu said 

"You never hurt me Aishu" 

Aishu kissed her forehead and gave her injection while continuing her non stop chatter.

"I didn't even notice, you are so good" little girl kissed Aishu's cheek

"Now it's your turn, it doesn't hurt" she said 

Aishu's face was worth watching. She is very scared

"No, I don't need, I was just joking to give you" Aishu stammered

"Don't lie, you are bad at it. I know you are sick that's why didn't come since two days. You are scared of injections and wouldn't take that's why I made you come" Shloka told

"I'm really fine Shloka, I wanted to bunk classes that's why I lied" 

"You are lying now, see you have fever"

"Please baby, I took tablets" Aishu pleaded

Vikram, me and nurse couldn't stop from laughing

"See Dr. Karan is here, he will give you without pain" Shloka said

"Aishu, I know you have fever and it's not reducing with paracetamol. I wanted to visit you in the evening. It's good that you are here. Let me treat you" i said 

"Ok, tablets please" 

"Just one injection, what example are you setting for your patients, see Shloka would refuse next time seeing you, right Shloka" I winked at Shloka

"Yes, I wouldn't take" Shloka said 

Aishu sighed in defeat

She sat on chair shutting her eyes, holding her dress tightly. Shloka sat next to her holding her hand while I gave her injection.

Vikram was watching her in amusement 

"It's done baby" Shloka said 

"It didn't hurt, thank you Karan" Aishu thanked me

Nurse took Shloka to her ward.

"He is my friend Sagar" I introduced Vicky. He looked at me confused for introducing him by different name.

"She is Aishwarya, final year medical student" I introduced her

"So Aishu, you are going to be doctor and scared of injections" Vicky teased

"You saw everything?" Aishu asked clearly embarrassed 

"I was confused who was little and who was big" Vicky teased

"I..." she didn't know what to say

"How are you feeling now?" He asked with concern 

"I'm good" she replied 

"We are going out for coffee, would you like to join us" Vicky asked her

I was surprised at his interest in her. Many girls asked him out, he never bothered to answer. Here he is interested in the girl from enemy's family

"Ok" she agreed after a while looking at me.

We went to Starbucks. Vicky couldn't keep his eyes off her, watching her as if nothing else matters to him. As usual my innocent little sister is unaware of all the staring. She kept on talking about everything she did while my friend kept on asking about her.

I'm sure he is not just interested but falling for her. No one could resist from falling for her innocence.

We dropped her at the hostel.

"Take care of your health Aishu" he said while leaving 

I could see his longing to stay with her

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