Ashamed of my Upbringing

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Vishal's POV

You are forgetting who Vikranth uncle is! And these two love is so intense that anyone could see... uncle realized on the first day Vicky returned home. He investigated everything and confronted me...


"How could you all plot revenge to hurt an innocent soul?" Uncle asked

I looked  at him in shock? It was five days after Vicky returned home.

"I can't believe my son could do unthinkable to a girl...I promised myself to arrest all those .... I'm ashamed of my upbringing" 

"Uncle, it's complicated.... it's not exactly we planned... initial plan was to get to know Aishu and use her for revenge... not this way... Nikki wanted me to get close to her... Vicky would make her fall in love with her and break her heart...."

"Didn't you think it's cruel? How could you help them with this Vishal?" Uncle said angrily

"I know uncle... I tried to dissuade, Nikki was very stubborn... Vicky too didn't want so she didn't tell about plan to him. I knew from the beginning... after knowing Aishu, I really liked her as my own sister.... When Vicky was in last semester he came to meet me, he fell in love with Aishu... I kind of influenced Aishu to like Vicky...

But my intention was good uncle... I thought they both would give up on revenge if Vicky truly loves Aishu... she fell in love with Vicky seeing his love and concern. 

I asked him not to tell about his love to Nikki.

He wanted to marry her after IPS training with your blessings... by then Aishu would have graduated... 

After he completed training, he was excited to tell about Aishu to Nikki and you. Before that Nikki showed him Aishu's photo and asked him make her fall in love with him.

He was shocked to find Aishu is Ram Chandra Reddy's niece. He told Nikki, that they both are already in love and can't hurt her.

Nikki was angry initially, then she was happy that their work is easy. After lot of arguements Nikki came with the plan of making Aishu's family arrange marriage of Rehaan with Aishu... Vicky didn't like it but Nikki assured him that she wouldn't let Rehaan marry Aishu.

Nikki hacked and cloned all their numbers, Aishu's and all her family members and made sure they wouldn't talk to each other that time. Aishu had PG entrance, so it was easy that Aishu should concentrate on exams.

According to her family Aishu agreed to marry Rehaan.

I kept her in college till the day of engagement for project but she went to Hyderabad on that day... I don't know why... she messaged me after getting into the flight... I couldn't stop her...

Vicky and Nikki were in Hyderabad to witness Aishu's family getting humiliated. When I told them Aishu got onto flight, Vicky was scared that Aishu would get engaged to Rehaan. He knows Aishu can't say no to her family.

Nikki was angry, she made a plan... she asked Vicky to plan surprise proposal to Aishu and keep her with him that night. Vicky agreed in the fear of loosing Aishu.

Nikki called Aishu as soon as the flight landed and said Vicky is in Hyderabad farmhouse and something happened... Aishu went to farmhouse..."

Nikki came to Mumbai that night itself. Vicky came next morning. Nikki wanted Vicky to forget Aishu and Vicky said, he can't live without her. They both argued so much. Finally Nikki asked him to choose between her and Aishu... and blackmailed that she would end her life if he choose Aishu.

He agreed. He said he would break up with Aishu but can never forgive Nikki. I tried to convince Nikki but she was stubborn. She went to Newyork that night after I said I would never talk to her if she hurt Aishu and Vicky.

Later that night I called Vicky, someone took the call and said he is bar, drunk, unconscious" 

"Vicky drinks?" Uncle asked in shock

"Never before that day uncle, he was broken... I took him to my farmhouse. When he woke up I was scared to see him. I had to sedate him. For three weeks he was drinking day and night crying for Aishu. 

I consoled him that I would convince Nikki, everything will be fine in few days. He cried saying, 'you don't understand Vishal, Aishu will never forgive me... you don't know what I did to her! she trusted me blindly... I broke her trust...she will be disgusted with me... she would never see my face"

I understood his pain when I found Aishu is pregnant. I wished she would have stayed in Delhi that day.

Uncle, Vicky tried to end his life unable to bear the pain from separation and guilt" I confessed

"What?" Uncle said in shock

"He was inebriated, took sleeping pills... luckily I could clean his stomach and took him to hospital... he was in coma for 3 days. I scolded Vicky... told him you and aunty would die if he died.

That brought him to reality. He came home, Aishu was there. He thought she came for revenge and was angry but later realized she loves you both genuinely.

I was shocked to see her. She fainted after throwing up. I treated her, realized she is pregnant. Vicky loves Aishu so much uncle, he can't live without her" i said

"I don't know what to say Vishal, whatever is the reason, what you all did is sin. You have no idea what that child went through. 

When I saw her first time, she was standing on the edge of the rocks in beach with grave look, didn't move... I thought she would jump into ocean. I stayed and watched for her. Next day I saw her in same spot... 

She is kind, compassionate... I was impressed with her character" uncle told me all the incidents where she helped a boy selling balloons, a lady who was abused by her husband, rescuing a small girl from drowning and resuscitate. He told me how he brought her home after knowing what happened in her life. 

"I saw her pain Vishal. I don't know if she could ever forgive Vicky?" Uncle said 

"He loves her so much uncle" i said 

"I would arrest you three if Aishu wants..." uncle said 

"I know uncle but I'm sure she wouldn't because it would  hurt you and aunty. They can't be happy without each other" i said 

"I know, don't worry they will be. Vicky broke up with her but destiny brought her to her in laws home where she belongs"

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