I should have Known...

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Aishwarya's POV

"Good morning sleepy head!" I heard Sushanth when I opened my eyes

"Your baby and you are absolutely fine, you just need bed rest for a week" he said

"Thank you Sushanth, last night...." He didn't let me finish

"Now I feel you have forgiven me. I'm so happy" he said emotionally

"You earned it" i said smiling

"You have brush, paste and basic needs in restroom, freshen up. I will wait outside" he said leaving

I went to restroom, brushed my teeth and came out. I feel so hungry

Sushanth came after few minutes. He served me breakfast that was kept on my side table

"My chef makes yummy French toast and scrambled eggs, try this. I didn't go anywhere as I promised, he got it here" he said smiling

"I was crazy last..."

"Eat first, no talking" he said

"Did you eat" I asked

He nodded

I ate full plate

'It's really yummy" I said

"I will inform him" he said

"Sorry about last night, I was kind of crazy. I never thought I would need psychiatrist help" I confessed

"It's good that you are thinking about it yourself. Dr. Nethra suggested. If you want, I can set up appointment with my aunt, she is famous psychiatrist in US. You can FaceTime with her" he said

"That would be great, I don't want to share my problems with anyone here. Your family is full of doctors. Are you planning to open super speacity hospital with all your relatives?" I joked

He looked down in guilt

"Dr. Nethra isn't your aunt?" I asked

"I'm sorry Aishwarya, you were not in your senses last night, scared of everyone. I'm a doctor but you wouldn't ask me for gynecological check up when you are in your senses. You might have felt bad later. I wasn't even there when Dr. Nethra checked you.

I know Dr Nethra well, she is HOD of gynecology department. She is very good

I also know Vikram and Vishal would never harm you. They both love you so much and are very protective of you" he said

I know Sushanth is changed into good person and respects me but didn't know to this extent. Maybe I knew it somewhere in my heart already that's why I asked for him when I went crazy.

"Call me Aishu" I said smiling

"Aishwarya?" He said

"Friends" I said extending my hand

"I'm honored" he said taking it

"Thank you Sushanth" I said

"I lost it because of that Nikhi, I hurt Vikram so much. Can you please call Vikram. I'm sure he would be outside" I said. I regret my behavior last night

Sushanth got up from chair and removed the curtain separating my bed from other. Vikram was laying on it

I was scared seeing him, He wouldn't sleep like that. I got up from bed immediately and checked his pulse

"I'm sorry, I hurt you so much. I don't mean any of it. Please wake up" I shouted. Tears are falling on his face. He didn't even move. That scared me more

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