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The first day of classes did not go as smoothly as Rory may have hoped. Between having no idea what parts of the castle were where, and the confusing class content, he rarely had time to even think properly. It wasn't like muggle school, where the first week or so was just getting to know your classmates and doing fun little activities to get warmed up for the year--no way, wizards were serious about their schooling. It was classwork and homework on the first day!

Potions class had been confusing at all get out, half of the ingredients being things Rory hadn't even known were real. The potions master was also a ballsy git who seemed to hate children and everything relating to them, he had no idea why the man chose to become a teacher.

It didn't help that the castle was quite literally the largest building Rory thought he'd had the misfortune of having to walk around in. There was no rhyme or reason to the schedule, and he figured he'd have to really get in shape to book it from the dungeons to the seventh floor for some of his classes. Especially if all of his professors were going to make him miserable with detentions if he continued to skirt into class with second left before the tardy bell.

By the time he reached the library, his satchel was completely loaded up with homework assignments and textbooks, Rory was rather cranky. Not only was he frustrated and tired, he was extremely hungry after missing lunch earlier in the day. The chess table in the corner was practically calling his name, and he felt all of his muscles sigh with relief as he sunk down into it.

"Well hello there!" A chipper voice rang from around a shelf, and Rory looked up to see none other than Maggie Church approaching his chess table. He'd hardly had a moment to recharge before she sat down, plopping her bag on the ground.

"Mmf," Rory grumbled in response, not having the energy to sit up properly.

"So, how was your day?" She continued, unbothered by his lack of enthusiasm for her appearance. "Mine was rather fun, I liked seeing you in my classes."

"It would've been a lot more fun if you didn't ditch me every time the bell chimed," Rory mumbled, still feeling rather miffed, "I could've used your help, y'know?"

"What do you mean?" She seemed genuinely surprised, making him feel a little guilty for calling her out so roughly.

"Well, I just- Every time I turned around to walk you to class you'd already left. I didn't really know where anything was, I guess."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she stammered, tapping her finger against her bare knee, "I had no idea you were looking for me at all, you seemed to be doing so well!"

"It was fine enough," he sighed, deciding to put aside all this miserableness, "Can we walk together tomorrow, though?"

"Well, sure," Maggie nodded happily, "I'd love to walk with you! We can even talk about assignments and-"

"You know," Rory cut her off accidentally, "How much of all of that is important?"

"All what?" She murmured, eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"All this magic stuff, I can't imagine it's too necessary for jobs and stuff. I didn't know any of this at muggle school, they didn't even mention it."

"Well, that's because it's muggle school," Maggie stated like it was obvious, waving her hand around, "For wizard jobs it's much more useful. Very, actually! My older brother only got his job in the Ministry because of how well he did in his N.E.W.T. classes."

"N.E.W.T.?" Rory mumbled quietly, "What's a N.E.W.T.?"

"Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test," she replied. Rory still waited for a real answer with a blank stare. "What?"

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