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Hogsmeade Station was much quieter than King's Cross Station, if not just because of how much smaller it was. The structure itself was entirely made of cobble and brick, not unlike the rest of the buildings within Hogsmeade itself. There weren't many places to sit, what with the overall lack of travel to and from the place. A few wooden benches dotted the sides, and there were a great many window sills and ledges to perch upon if one so desired. However, in this particular instance, it was nearly overrun. The only time it was used a great deal was when it was time for Hogwarts students to either come to Hogwarts or return home, and in this case it was being used for the latter.

Swarms of Hogwarts students filled the station, grouped up where they could and ambling around in preparation for boarding the train. The swaths of snow had long since melted as winter turned to spring with the coming of exams, and slushy rain now fell to try and dampen the students' mood as they departed for the end of term holiday. Nothing could quite quell their happiness and gusto, though, with wands waving through the air as they fought to relish in their last moments of magic being legal before returning home.

Flying fizzlers danced in the air and charmed objects danced on their feet, students apparated at random and poked each other with jinxes as professors did their best to control the massive crowd--insisting the train was only slightly delayed in departure. Somewhere nearby, the twins had a banged up briefcase with a large embossed 'W' embedded into the leather, opened on a ledge somewhere with treats and tricks spilling out of the top, hands open and greedy for money. As they peddled their wares, a secret marketing man by the name of Lee Jordan not far spreading news of good deals, there was another pair of boys hidden away.

Rory stood against the brick wall of the station, the two tucked into a little outcrop that couldn't have been large enough to consider a broom closet, much less a space fit for two growing boys. Oliver stood opposite to him, the placement of their feet overlapping as they stood much too close to excuse with anything that sounded heterosexual in the slightest. The proximity to him made Rory's head fuzzy and his cheeks warm, as he glanced up at him bashfully as his mouth twisted with embarrassment.

"You promise you'll write?" Rory whispered.

"I promise," Oliver smiled, "I'll bore you with every detail."

"Ah, how romantic," he sighed, a grin breaking out over his face.

"I do try," he chuckled, eyes dipping a little lower than Rory had expected.

A burst of anxiety filled his chest, and nervousness dotted his palms. It repeated in his mind over and over, as Oliver leaned forward quietly, giving Rory ample time to move away, or say no, or-

Everything paused, the droplets of rain in the air stalled as if connected to invisible strings, and Rory felt his eyes flutter shut as Oliver firmly pressed his lips against Rory's. It was odd, and his chest was absolutely infected with the worst kind of weird jittery feeling--he couldn't even begin to describe how he felt inside as his hands hesitantly reached up to gently rest on Oliver's shoulders, then his cheeks.

His first kiss, simultaneously amazing and underwhelming all at once.

Oliver's hands felt warm as they slipped gently beneath Rory's opened jacket, resting innocently at his hips and making his mind reel. He was painfully aware of the noise just around the corner, the fear of someone walking around and witnessing this creeping in and making him feel cold. Oliver's touch burned him, and he felt as if now he'd be burned with the boy's touch for the rest of time--letting everyone know what he'd done.

And just like that it was over, Oliver pulled away quietly, eyes lingering on Rory's face as they danced across his features. Rory felt breathless, his pants puffing out in front of him like white ash as Oliver pulled a little grin onto his face.

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