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Maggie had been correct, though, examinations had practically been around the corner as soon as everyone had returned from Christmas holiday. Professors assigned essays and projects left and right, and between studying with Maggie and letting off steam on the quidditch pitch, Rory was spent.

The last of his examinations were on a Thursday, fitting for one of the last weeks of schooling. But it could've been any day, and it would have left him feeling the same: like he needed to sleep for three straight weeks.

Rory stumbled into Gryffindor Tower with the gracefulness of a freshly bitten antelope as he made his way up the spiraling staircase into the boy's dormitory. Drained was an understatement, he was absolutely empty. Void of all energy and thoughts as he let his satchel slide off his shoulder and loudly thud on the floor, right before ceremoniously flopping onto his bed face first, still in all his clothes.

"I give that dive about a two," George commented from behind him, "Not your finest work. More of a belly flop, really."

"Piss off," Rory's voice came out muffled, sheets warming up from his breath as he let out a long, quiet sigh.

"Think you'll be able to drag yourself to dinner?" He asked, the sound of him taking his robe off and dropping it on the ground accompanying his words.

"The Great Hall isn't far away at all," Rory scoffed, lifting his head just barely as he propped himself up on his elbows, "What do you take me for?"

"What do you mean Great Hall?" George snorted, "We're going for victory rounds at the Three Broomsticks. I take you for a dunce."

"Since when?"

"Since, like, last week," he scoffed, "Did you already forget? Wow, exams really are putting you through the ringer."

"You can say that again," Lee loudly proclaimed as he burst into the room, Fred hot on his tail with a broad smile as he entered.

"Wow," George began, "Exams are really-"

"Not literally, asshat," Fred cut him off.

"It was a joke, you know, to be funny? Not like you'd know about how that feels," George bit back.

"Huh," Fred to a step back, almost looking like he'd just been slapped across the face, "You know, that almost hurt. I think you're getting better at this whole insulting thing."

"Nobody should be getting better at insulting people," Rory muttered, letting his head collapse back against his bed.

"You sound like Mags," Fred sighed, "She's making you all soft like she is."

"Perhaps you're just a hard ass," Rory snickered. "How long until we go to Hogsmeade?"

"Couple hours, I'd say," Lee piped up, "Maggie probably won't want to go until after Puffs have their astronomy class."

"Good point, she doesn't skip," George mumbled, "Especially an exam."

"I'm gonna go on down to the library," Lee offered, "Fred, too, right? We're gonna go see what's up with beguilement hexes."

"Oh, are we?" Fred jumped to his feet excitedly, "Already?"

"As if I'd like to wait," was all Lee got out before the two quickly scurried out of the room, muttering about candies and chocolates.

"I'm being left out of my own business," George mumbled.

"Does it feel odd?" Rory propped himself up once more, "Now that Fred has, well, friends?"

"What do you mean?" George frowned, and Rory briefly wondered if this was something offensive.

"You all grew up at the Burrow, right?" He continued when George nodded, "So Hogwarts is...well, it's the first time you guys are free to go all around people who aren't your family."

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