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Autumn hadn't quite set its claws into Hogwarts just yet, but it was on the cusp every day as the sun began to set a little faster each day. Breezes were still a welcome friend to students who were on the grounds, and the leaves had only just begun to turn color on the edges of the Forbidden Forest.

"I think I'll go for keeper," Rory stated, swinging his broom from one hand to the other as they walked along the fields.

"I'll take whatever I can get," Fred sighed, stretching his arms over his head.

"Mm, yeah," George agreed, "I'd like to be beater, though."

"It'd be funny if we both get beater," Fred snorted, "The Weasley twins with bats, what a smart idea."

"Yeah, I imagine that'd be intimidating," George snickered, "Never know which one of us is coming up behind 'em."

Rory couldn't help but shake his head at them, smiling without even realizing it. He caught himself staring at George when the redhead tilted his head a certain way, snapping Rory out of his little haze to realize they'd already gotten to the quidditch pitch without him realizing it.

"What's Lee in detention for again?" Fred asked idly, flipping his broom around like a baton, "Something about D.A.D.A.?"

"He accidentally set the professor's robe on fire," George explained, "And-"

"When he went to put it out," Rory interrupted, unable to hold in his laughter for much longer, "He sent her skirt up--sent her into a good row, that did."

"Everyone saw her pants?" Fred blurted, immediately devolving into laughter.

"Yeah!" George broke into giggles as well, while Rory nearly doubled over as he remembered it. "It was hilarious, you chose the wrong day to skip most definitely."

"Ah, sounds like a hoot and a half," Fred mumbled, a smile still on his face as he hopped on his broom, "Lee's a legend for that one."

"And he didn't even mean to do it," George said wistfully, "It was perfect, absolutely hilarious."

"Only class I've been glad to be in," Rory mumbled, still letting out a few chuckles here and there.

"You can say that again," George groaned, a sound that made Rory stall for a moment. "Classes have been brutal lately."

"I didn't come down to the quidditch pitch to talk about school," Fred pouted, "I'm gonna need you all to start throwing around some balls for me to get interested."

"Of course you need balls to get interested," George immediately sneered, "Pansy."

"Bold of you to say that, you fairy," Fred immediately bit back. "Go off and kiss your boyfriend if you don't wanna play."

George only rolled his eyes before stalking over to the storage locker, rummaging around before dragging out the locked up box that held the, frankly, sassy quidditch equipment. Rory'd heard worse things on the playground in elementary school, it didn't really faze him to hear the twins bicker like that.

The twin rolled up his sleeves before tapping the lock with his wand, immediately jumping back as the quaffle and bludger jumped free, zipping into the air just out of sight.

"Get ready!" He shouted across the field, taking up his bat and hopping on his broom.

Rory was a little caught off guard, eyes still zeroed in on George despite the fact he had a quaffle he was supposed to be on the lookout for. Quaffles were pretty tame, anyhow, it's not like he was going to get run down by a bludger.

For some reason, it was a little distracting to see George on his broom. Something about the way his shoulders flexed and the way he positioned his hands made Rory feel a little bothered in a flustered sort of way. All he could do was tear his eyes away momentarily, just to find them glued right back on the boy without fail. With an entire game of quidditch going on around him, it was a little silly to be so caught up in staring.

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