Chapter Eight

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Tony was resting on yet another motel bed, his head in his hands as he went over the past twenty-four hours in his head. His knee was bouncing with every thought that entered his mind.

"Stark, you good?" His head flicked up as the bathroom door opened, steam curling around the woman as she stepped out from the bathroom. His breath nearly stilled in his chest when he noticed her wearing the shirt he'd given her, being that she hadn't packed anything.

"Uh, yeah... yep." He said finally, nodding his head. "Uh, how was your shower?" YN chuckled softly, the sound still shocking Tony, as she rubbed a towel over her head and through the ends of her hair. Tony watched as her long legs carried her over toward the mirror near the door, the skin of her thighs nearly begging Tony to run his hands along them. Tony frowned, shaking his head at the intrusive thoughts.

"For fifty bucks a night, the shower ain't too rough." YN said, meeting his gaze in the mirror. Tony nearly felt as if YN was doing it on purpose, strutting around her with her siren like eyes and giving Tony's eyes enough to keep him guessing.

"I'll have to give it a go, then." YN's mouth curled up in a smirk and Tony had to stop an audible gulp from leaving his mouth.

"Sorry Stark, used all the hot water." She raised an eyebrow as she dropped the towel into the hamper before sitting on the edge of her bed. "Should've joined me."

"What?" Tony gaped, his mouth falling open. YN frowned.

"Should've stopped me?" She watched Tony with confusion as he pulled at the collar of his shirt, a blush threatening to expose him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Uh, yeah." Tony nodded, gathering the nerve to meet YN's eyes. "I'm just overtired." YN nodded, falling onto her back on her bed, Tony mirroring her shortly after. "You think tomorrow will end well?"

YN sighed, turning onto her side, resting her face on her hands. Tony soon followed suit, staring at her as she thought about her next words. "Probably not."

"Really optimistic, Silver." YN bit her lip, her mouth twitching as she forced away a smile. "I just hope this is all over soon, so I can stop sharing a room with you." Tony watched as YN's smile dimmed, a hurt expression slowly filtering into her features. Tony smirked, "You know, 'cause you hog the shower and snore."

YN's mouth fell open, her upper half lifting off the bed. "I do not snore!" She shouted, clearly offended. "If anything, it's you that snores, Mr. I only sleep with silk sheets and plumped pillows!" Tony's cheeks puffed with the effort not to laugh, but soon YN's expression grew too much and a spout of laughter fell from him. Soon it was muffled as YN's spare pillow smacked across his face.

As the laughter died, Tony sighed, wrapping his arms around YN's pillow, subtly taking a whiff of her suddenly intoxicating scent. Tony's eyes moved to watch YN as she stared up at the ceiling, her arms crossed over the Black Sabbath emblem on Tony's shirt. He couldn't remember when he started to see her in this light. This light of... completely thinking with his dick and not his brain.

Biting his lip, Tony closed his eyes, shifting as he watched YN stretch out her legs. Her presence, initially, had irritated him... no it had intimidated him. He didn't like noses stuck in places they didn't belong. So, he was an ass, as always, trying to disrupt her investigation with every possible wild goose chase and obstacle he could. Yet, YN never bothered to entertain him, always passing him by with a smirk of her own.

He knew that's a reason she enticed him, the reason he couldn't seem to get her out of his dreams. Or maybe it was his six weeks of being celibate. Who knew?

"Can I ask you something?" Tony startled slightly, covering it by clearing his throat and nodding. "Are you scared to die?" Tony frowned, his whole body turning to face her again.

"Aren't we all?" He asked, not sure where YN was going with the conversation.

"I mean, you were ready to lie down your life for New York in 2012... I kind of thought that meant you were... accepting of the idea." Tony chuckled, shaking his head as he lifted himself upright, the thought of sleep diminishing.

"Honestly?" YN nodded, still lying down, her body curled up, reminding Tony of a warm kitten. "All I thought about that entire day, was everything I hadn't done." YN cocked her head curiously. "I haven't... tried a croissant, visited Australia, found a girl to really love, have my own children. It nearly made me back out."

"But you didn't." YN whispered, making Tony nod, looking down to his hands. "You really are a brave man, Tony." Tony felt his heart swell as he met her gaze, their eyes holding for a moment before, to his surprise, YN looked down with a light blush. "What kind of weirdo hasn't tried a croissant?" Tony laughed, tossing his head back as his shoulders shook. 

"This weirdo, I guess?" Tony shrugged, reveling in the chuckle that escaped the woman.

"Can I be honest with you?" 

"'Course." Tony responded. YN breathed in, picking at her fingers.

"I'm scared to die alone." She whispered, shaking her head. "Which is stupid, because I've been alone my whole life. Ever since my pops died, I've been on my own. Even before I guess, he was always working, in the force too, ya know?" Tony nodded, a little stunned YN was revealing this much to him. He tried to reason that they'd been stuck with each other for nearly forty-eight hours and that it may be driving the two of them insane, but Tony thought it might be something more. "I grew up looking after myself, only kid and all, I guess you know, huh?

"I'm terrified to be dying, bleeding out a week from now, or old age in fifty years, and alone. I push everyone away because it's easier, but in hind sight, I'm setting myself up for my greatest fear." YN shrugged, her glazed eyes staring straight up, not really seeing anything.

"Can I be honest with you now?" YN looked over to him, her lip pulling into her mouth. "I think you put too much pressure on yourself." YN scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Don't blow me off, Silver, from what you've told me, and from what I've learnt, you go from case to case without ever really dealing with what you see." Tony dropped to his knees, leaning over YN's bed. She gazed at him, waiting for his next words. "You need to live your life for more than your job, you need to live your life for fun, for laughter, for adventure, for..." Tony swallowed, placing his hands on the bed. "For love."

"Love?" She whispered, her eyes drifting over Tony's face before landing on his mouth. Tony nodded, his wet tongue dragging over his plump lower lip. They drifted closer, breaths mingling before their foreheads touched, pressing together as if daring them to stop.

YN sighed lightly and Tony watched her eyelashes flutter as her eyes dropped closed. Their mouths were a whisper apart when Tony's phone screamed into the silence, jolting the two apart and causing YN to squeak. Tony cleared his throat, wiping away the hair that had dropped into his eyes.

"Uh..." YN murmured, lifting onto her elbows. "You should-" Tony nodded, scooping up his phone and answering it quickly. YN stared at her lap as Tony conversed with who she assumed was Steve. Her hands were shaking as she played with her bottom lip, pulling it as if punishing herself for being too slow.

She was fighting two halves of her brain, or maybe her heart. Half of her was berating her for looking to weak. What was she doing, succumbing to a man like Tony Stark. Was she just some easy one night stand, letting Tony talk her up so he could get between her legs for the evening.

The other half begged her to listen to him. Live her life for more than death and gore and cases. Have fun and adventure. It begged her to believe Tony wanted more than that with her. He had said love, hadn't he?

"Steve said the Triskileon plans to release the Helicarriers tomorrow, noon." YN nodded, not moving her gaze from her lap. "We should rest." Nodding again, she saw Tony slide into his bed, shutting off the light. "Night, Silver."

"Goodnight, Tony." YN whispered, hope dribbling from her as her heart stuttered with anxiety.  

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