It's In the Family Business

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In all that had happened recently, Aizen honestly shouldn't have been surprised to see Isshin enter Las Noches through a Garganta - likely made by Urahara - with Engetsu already in Shikai. Aizen sighed. Of all the places, why his study?

For fucks sake, it's like a clown car with Shibas. First Kaien, then Ichigo, now Isshin. Who next?! Kuukaku herself?!

But Aizen kept those thoughts to himself, as he had a reputation to keep.

"Isshin, refrain from using Engetsu in here-"

"I just got her back-"

"And I just got done with tending to the repairs of Syazel's lab after Grimmjow got hopped up on catnip due to a certain someone *cough* GIN *cough*. So for your sake, put Engetsu away." Aizen said, keeping his voice somehow calm throughout the whole the whole thing. But despite that threat, which Aizen could very much act upon, Engestsu was still there in her shikai. And Isshin's eyes bore a steely look to them, as if waiting for something and refusing to change his current condition unless that something was presented to him.

Or rather, someone: Ichigo. However, Ichigo was currently training with Kaien. But for now, Aizen would have to mitigate any possible damage or outbursts that could occur from Isshin.

"Don't worry about Ichigo. He's safe and his soul is stable thanks to the Hogyoku. And he will remain safe under my care, that I can assure you." However, Isshin wasn't quick to believe it. And that skepticism was well-warranted, as Aizen was known for deceit and cunning. So, Aizen wasn't surprised to hear that Isshin wouldn't believe what Aizen said until he saw proof for himself. Though what happened next, Aizen did not - but should've - expected.

"So where is my son?" Isshin inquired as he sat down in one of the various chairs in the meeting room.

"He is training with one of my Espada. He-"

"YOU WILL NOT TURN HIM INTO SOME CHILD SOLDIER, SOSUKE!" Isshin roared, hand on Engetsu yet again. Aizen knew love to be the most irrational of emotions, and perhaps its most powerful form was in that of a parent's love. However, while Aizen prided himself on the logic and cunning of his mind, it was emotion that drove him towards his goal of sitting atop the vacant throne in the heavens.

"You think he can live a normal life after this, Isshin? Since birth, Ichigo's life has been anything but normal and to expect such a life are the dying wishes of a delusional fool."

"Coming from the man who wishes to be the Soul King! My son won't play any part in your war and may the very thing you wish to be pity you if you go against that." Isshin practically snarled, face contorted in nearly unrestrained fury. 

"I am not asking Ichigo to take my part in this, but am merely trying to help him! My Espada will teach him how to manage the effects of his soul's nature and I will instruct him in the ways of Shinigami. I am doing what's best for him!"

"I'm his father and I know damn well what's best for my son! I don't care if he's your greatest work! I don't care what potential change he'd bring to this screwed up afterlife! ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THAT ICHIGO LIVES THE LIFE THAT WILL MAKE HIM HAPPY!"

"But have you considered that this life might be what would make Ichigo happy? Sure, he's found a few people in the World of the Living that don't care for his odditties, but what is 4 or five people compared to thousands Isshin?" He let the question hang in the air as he awaited Isshin's response. The man's anger seemed to decrease a bit but the fire in his eyes was still very much there. It was just when Isshin was about to respond that Ichigo came in, followed by Grimmjow and Kaien. Ichigo ran to his father, a giant grin on his face. As far as Isshin could tell, there wasn't anything to worry over.

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