somewhere new

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Boxes everywhere.

Open boxes, sealed-shut boxes, half-filled-and-dumped-out boxes...

Trash bags too.

So many trash bags.

Old paintings, old drawings, old notes I left behind and forgot about...

I cry a little as I watch the destruction of the happy space Sunny and I had made together over the years. To my surprise, Sunny cries a little too.

But her mom reminds her that it's normal, and her dad tries to be supportive.

Nothing is normal about boxing up your whole past and throwing it all away.

What about that is normal?

I beg Sunny to keep things. I ask her to remember the fun times we had doodling and playing and singing. She ignores me, and I wonder if she can even hear me anymore.

Did she forget her promise to never leave me?

Charm of Finches | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now