Is This Goodbye..?

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Edward's P.O.V.

Finally; no more pesky memories with mom... I stood next to Scarlett as we held hands.

"Ed..?" Wait- WINRY?!? I looked back to see her cautiously approaching us. I pulled my hand away quickly.

"Sup' Win Win?" Scarlett asked. She's never called Winry that..what is she getting at. Winry smiled.

"Nothing much, Scar Scar." Okay, that is definitely NOT Winry. Never in my life has Winry ever talked or acted that way.

"You're not Winry Rockbell, who are you?" Al asked calmly, approaching the weird person. She seemed to almost be in tears, so what do I do?!? I don't know how to deal with people who are crying!!

"You were always the one I've loved, Scarlett!" She cried, making me slip and fall on an invisible gnome. WHAT?!?

"Sorry, I don't swing that way, Envy." Scarlett cooly replied, flipping her hair maturely. God, she's a pain in the ass, and very independent, but that's why I-

-...I see her as a valuable friend! Yeah! N-Nothing more than that!

Envy takes the moment to pin Al's hand behind his back as Scarlett helps me stand back up.

"Too late. He's already the philosopher's Stone." I told Envy, and he snickered at me.

"So I've heard." He replied, turning back into the palm tree we all know and hate. "Let's take it out for a test drive and see how much this little blood seal can take?" He threw Al's head off and put his hand inside where he started scraping at something.

"Stop it! You're hurting my brother!" I screamed as I heard Al yelp.

"I know you love being overprotective, but geeze, don't blow a gasket. I'm taking him to our master." He snorted and threw Al over his shoulder.

"That must be who Lust was talking about. She said their master wanted the Philosophers stone for her own immortality, and didn't care about the Homunculi." I mumbled to myself. Just then, Scarlett stepped forward.

"Over my dead body you are." Scarlett raced toward him and threw her foot at his head. He grabbed it and twisted until I heard a sickening snap. I gasped, but didn't make a move to help her. "And you're wanted by our master." Think, Ed.

That master of theirs sought out our mom, fed her stones. That could only mean-

My so called 'dad' is to blame for all of this, for Scarlett's suffering. Now I'll never forgive him. This is unacceptable. I saw Wrath latch onto Envy's leg. Scarlett still laid near Envy as she tried to stand up, but to no avail.

"Wha-?! I'm on your side you idiot!" Envy hissed at Wrath. Then he started to kick the homunculus!! I never thought that they would harm each other!

"H-He can bring mommy back, can't he?" Wrath pleaded.

"Sorry, kid, but this toy isn't for you to play with."

"I HAVE TO TRY!!" He cried. That's when Envy must have had enough because he had kicked Wrath away and picked Scarlett up by the waist.

"I told you I don't swing that way you androgynous bitch!!" She declared as she slapped his back hard. He started to walk away. I can't let them go! I began to jog after them, but Wrath grabbed onto my leg.

"You're the reason mommy's dead.."

"What? No I'm not! And if you don't move, Scarlett's going to be dead!" I began to panic. First we lose our mother, then Hughes, then Al,

I won't lose Scarlett!!

"I DONT CARE ABOUT HER!!" Wrath yelled; lunging at me, and I had to step back to dodge him. I looked up and- where was Envy?!? Oh shit, no no no...

"She was your mommy too!" Wrath cried. He actually cried in front of me. With tears streaming down his face to make him look like a river.
I tried to stop him with alchemy, but I heard a voice behind me.

"Stop it!"

"Teacher!" I exclaimed, turning towards her.

"If there's anyone you should want to kill, my child, it should be me." Teacher tried to get closer to Wrath, but he backed away, growling.

"You are nothing to me!!!" He scar rammed before running into the forest. Oh, I'm still sitting on the ground where I fell. I should get up. Failed, and fell on my ass again.


"That kid was crying. Crying for his mom, and I couldn't even shed a tear. He was crying like a baby and all I can think about is how Scarlett could be in danger right now." I admitted.

"That's enough." Teacher stated. "Let's go find Al and Scarlett. I may not be of much use in this condition, but I can sure as hell be your crutch. Now, where to?" I couldn't help but smile at my teacher.

Scarlett's P.O.V.

"LET GO OF ME YOU GENDER-NEUTRAL, BOOTY SHORT WEARIN', SASSY ATTITUDE HOMUNCULUS!!" I droned on with my insults. Al at this moment stopped caring that we were kidnapped and simply felt bored now that Envy was walking so slow and silent.

"You can really be annoying when you want to be." Envy groaned. Well, yeah, that was the point.

"I'm going to keep fighting you, because I can." I huffed angrily. I've tried everything; kicking, punching, slapping, distracting, yet nothing is working. I heard as Envy transformed into another person, someone shorter, and wearing a red coat. Wait-?!?

"Is this better?" I could hear the smirk in he words as he spoke through Ed's voice. Okay, NOW I'm pissed!!! Even though my cheeks were redder than holly berries. Before we even knew it, we were halfway back to central, and we met Furer Bradley in a small log cabin.

"Welcome back, Envy." I heard Furer Bradley as we entered the small cabin.

"You're a Homunculus?!?" Al cried with shock.

"I KNEW IT YOU MOTHER FUDGER!!" I yelled loudly, but I knew there was no way out of this. But I can try! HAHAHA!! I feel my sixth sense kicking in!!

But will I ever see Ed again to say goodbye?


The last day of Spring break already, and now I don't wanna go back to school!!

sorry, left caps lock on,



~ Saturnthehero.

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