The Other Elric Brothers? No Such Thing!!

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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"LET ME GO YOU MOTHER FUGER!!!!" I yelled for what seemed the fifteenth time in the last four minutes. I could literally feel Envy's anger seeping off him. And though this was supposed to be a serious 'kidnapping', I heard Al giggle next to me as I shouted my profanities. Furer had met us halfway back to Central at the South Headquarters, and told Envy exactly where he was to take us, but I couldn't hear him earlier because he had knocked me out.

"You're such a bitch.....I can't wait until our mother kills you." Envy whispered in a deathly soft voice. My heart raced at the thought of death.

"And what the hell are you going to do if I don't wanna die?" I asked; hoping to keep him talking while his grip was getting weaker and weaker on my waist. But he didn't notice as he was still grumbling.

"I'll kill you myself and simply say that you were resisting!" He yelled, and with that, his grip slacked to the point I can run to my heart's content. I wiggled free and punched Envy before running.

"Help brother! Go!"

"You're an angel, Al!!" I yelled back as he held Envy in place. I ran into the forest; not stumbling once to quickly and quietly make my way through the twists and turns. Ducking from time to time into a bush to make sure I'm not being followed. Great! TO CENTRAL!!

How do I know? Well, knowing Ed, he'll attach Central to kill yet another Homunculus: Furer Bradley. Didn't see that coming, did you reader?

...Gosh, my sanity goes down whenever I say stuff like that.

"Edward!!" I called out and he turned to me with shock, and a mixture of happiness.

"..And, Izumi...?" I added, seeing her over Ed's shoulder as he took me into a giant hug.

"Don't scare me like that again. I'm supposed to protect you, remember?" He whispered softly into my ear to the point it gave me goosebumps on the back on my neck. Damn, his breath is really hot. He let me down, and we began our siege on HQ.

~~~~~~~~~~~a mere ten minutes later.

"WHAT THE HELL ED YOU CANT JUST LEAD US INTO BATTLE AND NOT KNOW IF BRADLEY IS THERE OR NOT!!" I screamed more profanities than I did with Envy. Which, for me, is a new record. Now we were running with about five FLIPPIN soldiers on our asses!!

"IM SORRY!! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT HE WOULD GO HOME EARLY FOR HIS SON'S BIRTHDAY!!" He yelled back, but gave me a playful smile. This isn't the time!! We turned another corner, and all three of us were grabbed into a room as we ran. Izumi was the first off the floor while Ed landed atop of me.

"Sorry," he said quickly as his face was now fully red.

"Glad to see you alive and well with Roy's little sister." I heard a very familiar voice taunt us from above.

"Breda!" I popped up from the ground in a cheer. "Nice to see ya, bastard!" I joked.

"Same to you, Queen of Bitchanium." He laughed. It was our little greeting to each other since I was about eleven. I had called him a nigger in front of everyone. So he got back at me.

"Um, Edward..? Who are they?" A young boy, about twelve or so, asked Ed, pointing to me and Izumi. This was his turn to jump up from the ground.

"Well! The bitch who just threw me to the group is Scarlett Reems, and that's Izumi, my Alchemy Teacher." He introduced us. The older, taller one stepped up and took my hand softly.

"It is my pleasure to be in the presence of General Scarlett Reems. I've read everything you wrote about your adventures." He flattered me too much, so I ignored him.

"I thought we were past the bitch phase, Ed." I whined.

"We aren't. Those two are imposters, if you want to know who's grabbing your hand." He threw back at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I have a name! It's Russell Tringham!!" The guy that had my hand shouted.

"Stop shouting fuckers!" I yelled at both with a total straight face. But they didn't. All three, even the kid named Fletcher. About five minute later, the man I least expected to bust through the room's wall and be a cyborg was the devil himself, Archer.

"I finally found you two. Edward Elric and Scarlett Reems. You're under arrest for running away from the military." How does he talk? Half of his face is cold metal! I felt Ed grab my hand and pull me away, and Izumi stepped in front of us.

"Go you guys." She instructed. We raced out with the assurance that she would come back. We raced out and hid in one of many alleyways in Central. I held Ed's hand and made the four of us down a especially narrow alleyway.

"Psst. Melissa." I called for Rico's parent, and in an instant, she opened the door with wide eyes. She smiled warmly at us.

"Welcome back Scarlett." She greeted us. We entered the little house, and at around the living room. There was the sound of footsteps, and at the top of the stairs was the tan boy, now older, named Rico.

"Scarlett!!" He happily cried out to me.

"Nice to see you too!" I laughed and caught him as he jumped into my arms. I turned to Russell, Fletcher, and Ed. "We'll be safe here." They all relaxed. Then we all sat down over some tea, and Ed and I explained our predicament.

"..So, Rico, in a way, you are repaying me right now!" I concluded as he smiled happily. Yeah, I didn't tell him about my Automail, because I'm pretty sure that would destroy him. Then Russell gets into telling us about an excerpt from his father's notes. And you won't guess how fascinating they were. Within two hours, we left Rico and his mother as we followed the Tringhams.

"How can anybody mistake you for Ed? You're totally different." I scoffed as they said about how they lied about being the Elric brothers, and were tossed in Central's jail for that lie. They lead us to a temple and both Ed and I open the table passage us with alchemy.

"Well, let's go get Al." Ed said to me. He began down the stairs, but I didn't follow. I have this really bad feeling, you know, like you're stomach's so tight you may pass out?

"Russell, Fletcher," I called both men to stand in front of me. "If neither Ed or I come back from here, and I mean neither, take my pocket watch-" I handed my personalized State Alchemist watch to Russell, "- and go directly to lieutenant colonel Roy Mustang within 24 hours starting now."


"It was nice meeting you two." I smiled, but I had a feeling is never see their faces again.


Who am I kidding!!!? I'll make it back alive! IM ME!!!


Almost to the end, guys, only three more chapters left. Are you sad yet? Guess what, I found out the devious plans my brain had planned. I weep for all FMA readers. Especially iulia942 for commenting on chapters!

Brain: heheheheheh....They will nvr know. U can't tell anyone, BTW.

Me: but-..but! TT-TT




~ Saturnthehero.

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