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《Okay so I'm running out of ideas for this story so can ya'll give me ideas for the next chapters😧》

《Once bonten and draken got back to the base draken took out his brahman uniform and put on clothes and mikey comes back with....》

Mikey: Ken - chin you need to have a tattoo of our gang Bonten on your body somewhere so where do you want it?

Draken: I'll have it in the back of my neck mikey

Mikey: Okay ken - chin

《Mikey turns to sanzu and tells him to get the tattoo of Bonten and put it behind drakens neck》

《After sanzu put the tattoo of Bonten in drakens neck the Haitani Brothers took there boyfriend making the harem jealous》

《With the Haitani Brothers and Mikey》

Mikey: Why did you two suddenly drag me away from them

Rindou: Cuddles

Mikey: * sighs * Fine then

《Mikey goes to Rindou and Ran and cuddles them and end up falling asleep until a loud noise was heard making everyone rush to were the noise came from, but to Bonten they weren't surprised that the gang that attack them first was Brahman》

Mikey: Well why would you attack my gang Senju

Senju: To fight! You took almost all my trust worthy memebers/strong ones but I'm glad you didn't take Takemichi with you!!

Mikey: I don't need Takemichi in bonten at all but as you wish we will fight then


Bonten: Yes boss/my king

《Bonten gets there weapons or some just use there own bare hands and legs to fight》

Draken vs 3 Memebers

Kazutora vs 2 Members

Chifuyu vs Member

Souya/Angry vs 2 Members

Nahoya/Smiley vs 2 Members

Rindou & Ran vs 5 Members

Hanma vs Takemichi

Mitsuya vs Member

Mochi vs 3 Members

Kokonoi vs 2 Members

Kakuchou vs Member

Takeomi vs 4 Members

Sanzu vs 5 Members

Wakasa vs 2 Members

Inui vs Member

Mikey vs Senju Kawaragi

《Mikey vs Senju, okay quick note I don't know how Senju and Mikey would battle if they both kick high but since mikey was beating the fuck out of Takemichi in the Manga so....sorry if it's gonna be bad ;)》

《Senju takes the first hit and rushes to mikey and tries to kick him but mikey blocks it with his kick and senju ends up falling backwards and fell》

Mikey: Just like before....you were in the floor meanwhile I asked if you " wanted to die " and you looked at me in fear what memories this brings back from that day you looked weak

Senju: Tsk....

《Senju stands up and see's a weapon not that far and goes for it which mikey just stared and took out his gun and pointed it at Senju with Senju facing backwards not shocked but putting the weapon next to mikeys throat》

Senju: I wonder who's gonna die first....Mikey

Mikey: Funny....you put yourself off guard

《Senju was confused what Mikey meant and mikey kicked Senju in the face and punched her in the stomach and threw his gun at Senju and Senju was in the floor bleeding》

Senju: Y-you fucking bitch.....

Mikey: Told you

《Mikey goes for another hit but this time someone stopped mikey and it surprised senju that Takemichi protected her from the attack and takemichi hit mikey making mikey get off guard and take the hit》

Mikey: Weren't you fighting Hanma?

Takemichi: Yes....

Senju: Takemichi fight Mikey for now I have a plan

Takemichi: Yes boss

《Takemichi rushes to mikey and tries to punch him but mikey dodges it and kicks Takemichi and jump on him and start punching him like the manga》

《But before mikey can take the last hit on Takemichi before jumping off him Takemichi blocks it and kicks mikey off of him and takes the weapon from senju and threw it at mikey, making mikey have a cut on his face》

Mikey: Not bad....but unfortunately for you....never let your guard down especially when fighting me

《Takemichi was confused and hanma just end up hitting Takemichi's head with a sword knocking Takemichi and hanma goes back to fighting memebers with Senju looking hopeless》

Senju: (Fuck what do I do now...the only choice is for us to leave but I don't want to back down from this fight) WTF-

《When senju was lost in her thoughts mikey kicked senju in the face kept on kicking senju and grabbed his gun and pointed it at senju head》

Mikey: Hopeless


Mikey: Not so fast Senju

《All of brahman was already leaving with senju but senju gets knocked out and couldn't see what was happening until it turned all black and bonten just stare at mikey》

Mitsuya: Why did you knock her out mikey?

Mikey: I'm gonna give her the decision and it's for her to disable brahman or for her to not attack us no more

Mitsuya: Oh alr mikey

Sanzu: Do we put her in the basement?

Mikey: No its not like we're gonna kill her, Kakuchou carry her to the main room

Kakuchou: Yes mikey

《Kakuchou carries senju and takes her to the main room and puts handcuffs on her and puts food and water and clothes in the room, and puts a camera and locks the room and goes to the Security Camera room》

Mikey: Sanzu, Takeomi, Rindou, and Ran clean up the room put the weapons back were they belong

The 4: Yes mikey

《Mikey leaves and goes to the Security Camera to see the others in the room and sits on the chair and looks at the camera that is recording Senju》

Kokonoi: What now mikey?

Mikey: We wait for Senju to wake up and I know she will be mad for the first 2 hours but ignore her and then we do business with her

Kokonoi: Hm alr

Chifuyu: I'm gonna get blankets, towels, pillow and a carpet to put in the room because who knows when she will decide and the floor is cold in that room

Mikey: Yeah go do that Chifuyu don't let her get sick in any way and we won't force her to make her decision quickly let her take her time

《Chifuyu leaves and grabs the stuff and goes to the room we're senju is at and puts everything we're they belong and locks the room again》

Haitani Brothers x Mikey(Bonten Arc)or Bonten x Mikey?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now