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???: Fine...we shouldn't do this but we're gonna take you to see mikey

Naoto: R-really?!

Kakuchou: Wait hold up Mikey said just to make sure he's okay not to bring Naoto to him

Wakasa: Yeah I agree with Kakuchou here Hanma

Hanma: Guys Naoto won't believe us that Mikeys alive right? But if we bring him to Mikey we are proving to him that Mikey is alive

Wakasa: But did Mikey say he wanted to see Naoto?


Hanma: No but....look Naoto see's Mikey as his older brother ever since he lost his sister Hinata and Mikey was there with him look it must've been hard for Naoto because he has been thinking for the rest of his life that he killed Mikey

Wakasa & Kakuchou:....

Wakasa: Fine let's go Naoto

Naoto: Okay

《The four leave the apartment building and go to the car and Wakasa starts driving back to the hideout》

Naoto:《Why would onee - san be here? And I just noticed they have the tatto of bonten can it be that.....NO! Mikey wouldn't make a gang full of criminals....right?》

Kakuchou: Are you there Naoto?

Naoto: Huh- Oh yeah I'm back...

Kakuchou: Okay then let's go in then

Naoto: * nods *

《Naoto and the three go inside the hideout and go straight to Mikeys office and knock and wait for Mikey to open the door》

Mikey: S-sanzu....please that's enough for now

Sanzu: Hm...fine we'll continue this later

Mikey: Okay....but please that's enough

Sanzu: Just one more push and I'll take it out

Mikey: Wait no- Sanzu don't-

《Before mikey could finish sanzu did it to mikey and mikey tries to stay quiet as much as he can and then Sanzu takes it out 》

Sanzu: I'll put the needle back were it was

《I bet you guys were thinking the dirty but NO! I got you good :)》

Mikey: Mhm....argh my hand hurts now

Sanzu: Yeah I'm sorry I went hard on the your Mikey

Mikey: It's fine but can you open the door Sanzu because I think I heard someone knocking

Sanzu: Yes Mikey

《Sanzu opens the door and see's the 3 with someone else looked about the age 20 - 25 with black hair》

Sanzu: Mikey, Wakasa, Kakuchou and Hanma are back from there job?

Mikey: Okay let them in

《Naoto was shocked when he heard Sanzu say " Mikey " and when he heard his Onee - san's voice it sounded dry but not to much and kind of rusty? He couldn't describe it as rusty because it was clear like his old voice just a bit different》

《Sanzu didn't have time to let them come in the office room because Naoto just runs to mikey crying which makes mikey shock》

Naoto: Onee - san!!! I miss you so much I thought I k-killed you because of the shot I gave you

《Naoto kept on crying onto mikey meanwhile mikey looks at Naoto and smiles a bit but look at the trio with the eye " I just told you to check on him not to bring him here! " which the trio look at hanma meanwhile hanma is looking around》

Sanzu: I will take my leave?

Mikey: Mhm...

《Sanzu leaves fully which the trio go inside the room and close the door right behind them and sit on the couch》

Mikey: Shh...Naoto you didn't kill me I'm alive

Naoto: I'm sorry! Onee - san I really am I didn't know it was you who I shot I kept on thinking that I killed you and those memories kept on hunting me!!

Mikey: Well you didn't Naoto I survived
the shot you gave me I guess? Well you did kill me because the shot was in my head but you know I'm here?

《It was really hard for mikey to explain he had died of the shot but somehow survived it which was really confusing to understand》

Mikey: The only thing that matters is that I'm here alive with you Naoto you have grown up since the last time I saw you

Naoto: Mhm....all I care about right now is that your alive but Onee - san....can you come back with me? Like live with me in the apartment

Mikey: As much as I want to live with you again Naoto I can't because bonten my gang is a wanted gang and if they see me with the Tatto of bonten they know I'm in bonten


Mikey: Yes Naoto I forgot you wanted to be a police officer and well your working on the bonten case trying to figure out who's the leader and who's I'm the gang or stuff

Naoto: Y-yeah....how do you know all of that Onee - san....?

Mikey: Well let's just say I give you a little visit when I can or not I tell them to give you visits in disguse


Mikey: Well you should go back to the apartment Naoto

Naoto: No. I don't want to leave you again Onee - san I get to see you again but you want me to leave? No I'm not gonna go back and still being haunted by those memories again

Mikey: Fine your still stubborn

Draken: Says the one who was always stubborn in the past when there wasn't a flag on your food


Draken: No

Mikey: :) Anyway Naoto you can sleep in my room for now cause you have eye bags which are barley recognizable but j notice them

Naoto: Mhm but have you been sleeping Onee - san because you have a lot of eye bags and your very pale have you also been eating and DON'T LIE Onee - san...

Mikey: No I haven't been sleeping because I couldn't stop thinking about you being alone without me and not only that but the past also haunts me as much as I want to forget what happened and yes I have been eating but not as before I just started eating again if you don't believe me ask them Naoto

Naoto: No its fine I believe you Onee - san but can I sleep here on the couch because I don't want to be to far away from you

Mikey: Yes that's fine Naoto, Wakasa get Naoto a blanket

Wakasa: Yes mikey

《Naoto lays down on the couch meanwhile Wakasa comes back with a warm blanket and puts it on top of Naoto and Naoto falls asleep making a smile pop out of Mikeys face to make it look more lively》

Haitani Brothers x Mikey(Bonten Arc)or Bonten x Mikey?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now