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Ran: Yeah that still hurts

《Everyone laughs meanwhile the others are coming to the hospital to see how is Draken doing when they got there everyone stares at them because they noticed the Bonten tattoo on them and all get scared meanwhile bonten is in the room of draken's》

Mitsuya: I see your fine Draken

Draken: Yeah just that the doc said it's gonna take me 2-4 weeks for me to get better so I can't push pressure on myself

Mitsuya: That's good anyway I brought my sisters and Naoto here

Naoto: Hey draken

Draken: Oh hey Naoto how are you?

Naoto: Fine, now that I know Mikey is alive and isn't dead

Draken: Mhm that's good


Chifuyu: Also what happened during the meet?

Rindou: It turned out to be a trap and a memeber was still moving and grabbed a knife and threw it at draken in the chest

Chifuyu: Oh do you guys think that the member was trying to hit draken in the heart?

Kazutora: Yeah cause that's the only reason for the member to hit draken in the chest but miss the heart

Baji: Mhm true

《They are all shocked- Luna, Mana, and the Haitani Brothers and Sanzu to hear Bajis voice because he wasn't coming back till next week》

Mikey: Baji?!

Baji: Hey Mikey

Mikey: I thought you said you were coming back next week from your mission?

Baji: Well that was the plan but someone killed my main target and then I got chased from the police and but told them the truth and they let me go

Mikey: Oh

《They were all happy and Luna, Mana(Mitsuya's sisters) and Naoto plus Senju end up falling asleep on Mikey and Sanzu takes photos of the moment》

《Let's skip a few years? Bonten got married with Mikey and didn't want kids cause with Luna and Mana was enough plus Naoto and Senju cause the two acted like little kids still》

Luna: Mom!

Mikey: Luna what do you need?

《I forgot to tell you that Luna and Mana started feeling comfortable with Mikey and started calling him Mom and they call Senju and Naoto brother and Sister》

Luna: Mana said she wanted to waste Koko money-

Mana: Luna!

Mikey: Mana! No you do know that the money is from Koko but I'll let it pass this time cause I also want to waste his money

Mana: Ha! You see Luna mom sides with me this time

Luna: Fine but wait till you get in trouble by onii - san

Mana: I forgot about Onii - san-

Mikey: Okay girls let's so ask Koko

Luna & Mana: Okay Mom!

《The three go to Kokonoi but also see Mitsuya and Inui with him and the two sisters go to there brother and talk with him meanwhile Mikey goes to Kokonoi》

Kokonoi: Here

《Kokonoi gives Mikey his card and whispers the pin of the card and Mikey hugs him and kisses him and says thank you and grabs the two sisters》

Inui: Don't you think you spoiled Mikey enough now Mitsuya's sisters are gonna be more like Mikey

Kokonoi: Your right Inupi

Inui: Why do you always add a " P " in my last name and not call me Seishu?

Kokonoi: Mhm don't know

Mitsuya: I really hope those girls don't be exactly like Mikey

《They all laugh and it's night time they all have a big feast and they make a lot of food and a bunch of kissing to Mikey was done and they all had a great time even tho they are criminals but they still have fun and it was a long night but a night that no one was gonna forget well only Luna and Mana weren't gonna forget because everyone had died by accidents or protecting Mikey but the time Senju was gonna get shot Sanzu pushes her away and gets shot and Senju then dies by a gun shot meanwhile Mikey and Mitsuya both died at the same time protecting eachother Luna and Mana could've died but Mikey protected them and was gonna die for them but Mitsuya comes and protects his sisters and his love of his life until a while Mikey was in a car accident and then another car came and crashed which then started a fire and Mana and Luna found out when they watched the news and were shocked and then they looked at all the photos in the mansion and remembered the memories the two siblings had made with the rest and Naoto got stabbed in the chest when heading to work》

Mana: Hey guys me and Luna are well but we miss you guys so much hopefully you all have a good time in heaven

Luna: Mhm and mom and onii - san thanks for saving us even if it caused your own life to be taken away which wasn't fair...and none of you had the right to die you may have been criminals but you guys have a good heart for letting your lives be taken

《Okay I'm sorry I know baji just shows up and ends up dying IM SORRY》

《The two sisters brought a bunch of flowers and placed them on each grave and cried whole doing that which they cried even more when they got to Mikey's and Mitsuya's grave but they all had a good time if only....those memories still were alive》

Luna: Mana we should go home now....

Mana: Mhm well see you guys soon again bye

《The two leave with tears in there eyes so much for it to be red but when they were heading home to two sisters were shot and lose so much blood until someone found them but sadly the person found them late because the two sisters body were cold...I guess the happy ending didn't happen to us huh...we all died but we are all together in heaven even if we're not alive anymore all that matters is that we're together again as a family》

《Sorry for the sad ending I didn't know what to do but this story I really loved but at times we have to end it ;) I'm totally not crying of this trash ending》

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