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Mikey: Oh god...

《Chapter 17》

《Since mikey woke up from the harem fighting early in the fucking morning mikey went to the living room and slept on the couch》

Kokonoi: Who's gonna make breakfast?

Sanzu: Not me this time

Draken: Don't look at me

Mitsuya: Not doing it!

Kakuchou: No thanks

Senju: Brother would you do it?

Takeomi: I- uh no...

Senju: Please!!!

《Okay I barley remembered that Takemichi is barley in the story so might as well take out Takemichi from the story if he barley had lines...🧍‍♀️》

《And I forgot who's in the harem🤠🔫》

《Mikey couldn't sleep so he just woke up》

Hanma: Ah your awake mikey~

Mikey: Hm....Takeomi make breakfast

Takeomi: I- yes boss...

《Takeomi goes to the kitchen and gets the ingredients that he needs for the food he's gonna make for breakfast》

Wakasa: What should we do right now boss meanwhile we are waiting for the food?

Mikey: Clean up the hideout is a mess

Bonten/harem: Yes mikey/my king

《The gang cleans up the entire hideout which takes a while but enough time for the food to be finished》


Chifuyu: Already? I guess time went fast

Kazutora: I know right? It felt like 10 minutes

《They all go to the kitchen and the food smelled good and everyone got a plate for themselves》

Senju: This looks delicious!!!

Takeomi: Well try it senju

Senju: Okay!

《Senju trys the food and it was really good which everyone started eating after while they are having a conversation》

Inui: Draken we haven't opened the bike shop for 3 days already we have to open it before we loose business

Draken: Oh shit your right Inui, let's finish up and then we will go open the shop

Inui: Okay

《Draken and Inui hurry up and leave the hideout and go to there bike shop and put the sign in the side that says " open "》

Kazutora: Chifuyu we have been here but we haven't opened the pet store and the customers are probably waiting till we open it again

Chifuyu: Yeah but we needed a break but we should open it today again

Kazutora: Alr

Mikey: Do you want anything to drink Senju?

Senju: Yeah can I have water but please put ice in the water because I like it cold and not warm

Mikey: Sure

《Mikey grabs the cups and pours water and then adds the ice and gives senju a cup》

Takeomi: Well Sanzu, and Senju we are going to be hanging out with eachother since we haven't had the time

Sanzu: Fine....

Senju: Okay!

《They all finished eating and Takeomi and Mitsuya washed the dishes meanwhile Chifuyu and Kazutora went to open there pet store and mikey went to his office and started working on paper work meanwhile Rindou and Ran are out killing people and Kokonoi is Mikeys office sitting down on the couch》

Mikey: Kokonoi can you get Kakuchou and Wakasa and also Hanma

Kokonoi: Yes mikey

《Kokonoi leaves the office and calls Kakuchou, Wakasa, and Hanma to go to mikeys office》

Kakuchou: Yes mikey?

Mikey: I have a mission for you three

Kakuchou: What is the mission mikey?

Mikey: I need you three to find Naoto Tachibana he's Hinata Tabichana younger brother I need to make sure he's okay

Kakuchou: Okay mikey we will go do the mission-

Hanma: Where do we look first?

Mikey: He's a police officer so try to check the police stations first if not go to Hinata Tachibana apartment and it's *** they are in the 3rd floor if I remember correctly

Wakasa: But mikey wouldn't it be easier if you went to find him? Because like he knows you

Mikey: Yes it would be a lot easier but I don't think it's time for him to see me after he shot me in the past when I was trying to kill Takemichi Hanagaki he wouldn't believe that I survived cause he thinks I'm dead

《In my Au for this story Naoto saw Mikey as his older brother because Mikey would always take care of him when he was little but since Naoto shot him he thought he killed mikey so he thinks mikey died》

Wakasa: Oh alr...

《The threee leave the office and go to every police station and they separated so it would be easier but none of them had anything of Naoto Tachibana so they decided to go to the apartment to see if he's there》

Hanma: Should we knock?

Kakuchou: I mean yeah?

《Hanma knocks it and they wait for Naoto Tachibana to open the door which he did but he seemed to have eyebags not a lot just a bit which you can barley see》

Naoto: What do you three need from me

Wakasa: We have came to see if your okay

Naoto: Okay? Why wouldn't I be fine

Wakasa: Well after you shot mikey-


《Tears come out of Naoto's eyes which the three just stay silent and one of them speak again...》

Kakuchou: Well we would like to tell you that you indeed did not kill Manjiro sano you may had shot him but he survived it because someone took him to the hospital in time


Naoto: So your saying M-mikey survived the shot I gave him....?

Kakuchou: Yes

Naoto: How can I trust you three...

Kakuchou: Well we are in Mikeys gang " Bonten " and we can assure you he's okay-

Naoto: I will only believe you three if you take me to mikey...

Hanma: We can't do that- mikey just said to make sure your okay

Naoto: I'm not gonna a be okay till you three show me he's alive and didn't die!!!

《The three stya silent till someone's speaks up....》

???: * sighs * Fine we shouldn't done this but we will take you to mikey....

Haitani Brothers x Mikey(Bonten Arc)or Bonten x Mikey?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now