Chapter Three

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   (A/N: any art that will be used in this chapter are made by me and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes >.< )    

Its been three days when I came back to the past. And surprisingly, Im doing pretty well! The two doesn't try to murder me yet.... Well sometimes I can taste poisons on my food that Im pretty sure I'm not the one who put it. I mean who puts arsenic in chicken adobo? It taste so fucking terrible!

          As I was absorb in my thoughts I didnt notice the sound of footsteps that are coming towards me in an alarming speed. I snapped out of it when a pair of arms suddenly embrace me, I was about to push them off when a familiar yellow hair enter my vision.

          "Philip... Oh god I've missed you so much...! " It was just Brunei. I relucantly put my arms around his back to hug him back.

        This is so awkward ! What am I suppose to do. The guilt are still eating me up from how I neglect him in the past!

          I thought to my self not aware of the thought running to his mind thats just glad that I got my memories back. He slowly let go of me as I got a better look of his face. I must admit he is adorable ! I barely go to any ASEAN meeting and if I did I didny really pay attention to the other members. Only focusing on going home as fast as I could.

            "Sorry about that..." He flushed now feeling embarrased about his actions. Oh how cute!! An imaginary arrow suddenly pierce my heart as I gushed on how cute he is.
          " its alright " Me and him agreed to meet at a park and maybe hangout. Surprisingly its super empty, as in the two of us are the only people there. Well this park is pretty small with only one swing and a slide. I wouldn't be surprise when the other people will prefer to go the bigger park which is located at the other side of the city.

          We sat on the bench and talk about anything. Surprisingly it wasnt awkard in any way at all, well at first it is. But its like were back to the old days where we would always play all day long and talked or rather me gossing and telling him all the happenings on the village Im staying at, like that one time where my uncle wanted to ask a girl out and turns out the girl is already married, but keep insisting that they just keep their relationship a secret! And the father of her child is not her husband at all!

           And I notice that he barely changed at all hes still the sweet Brunei that I knew when I was a little kid. The one who will always worry for me whenever I'm back from a war between different kingdoms, or the one who would always give me gifts that even when I told him not to he will keep insisting that I worked hard so I deserve it.

           Completely different from the Brunei in the future who would always cling onto New york as he glared at me in the distance.

           "Do you even have no shame? First you humiliate her and now you tries to kill her?" Flat and cold voice directed at me, cutting at me like a knife. Outside of my cell there stood Brunei looking at me blankly but you can tell that his eyes held emotions... Anger, Resentment and.... Sandness? Pity? Sympathy?

          I cant say a word my throat dry from being deprive of water only giving me a cup a day so I can live until my excecution day. My body which is already skinny due to me having eating problems, became even skinnier that you could literally describe it as only skin and bones. I can only stare at his eyes. Eyes that are too familiar but I cant put my mind on who he really is. My head hurts just trying to remember my past.

          Im not stupid I know ever since my earliest memory that somethings missing, something is incomplete in me. Faces that I cant remember keeps appearing on my dream sometimes theyre clear and the other times theyre blurry. I also cant even clearly make out what theyre saying. I ask Mr. Spanish Empire about this once but once I bring it up he got mad and punished me. So I dont really bother with it anymore. After all his punishments hurts. Not only to me but to the people whose important to me.

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