Chapter Four

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Well shit. I knew passing any important position wasnt easy at all. Well in my last life. I did something 'unforgivable' and by unforgivable I mean spilling wine on new york's dress at a party. I didnt even spill it on purpose! She came crashing to me and she should have been the one who apologize!

So now were here at the ASEAN head quarters so we can sort this out. And it didnt help my anxiety that the other countries are staring at me strangely like I grew a second head or something, especialy Malaysia!

'Damn Im already passing my position so can you stop glaring at me?! '

I thought also glaring back at him. But something start buzzing from my pocket probably a text so I check it.

[Hey you ok there ?]

Ah Brunei you really is an angel.

I was about to reply back when the door open and there stood the one and only ASEAN. As they greet him. He finally sat on his seat which is at the very end of the table.

"So...." Finally the meeting are starting "Miss Philippines, you want to pass your position as the country master to you brother Martial Law" His voice cold lacking the certain warmth he always use when talking to others.

"Yeah, and I want it done as fast as possible" I demanded that seem to irked a lot of people in the room, except Brunei who just sigh at my antics.

"Dont order us around here bitch" Spat Malaysia and I just look at him with an annoyed expression

"Shut it Malayshit" I said now staring at him smugly

"Why you little-

"Enough." Cold temperature soon envelop the whole room. As ASEAN glanced at me and glares

'Fuck you'

"Well the most common way to pass that high position with the holder still being alive is having a duel"

"What" Me and Martial says in unision.

"Yes and if you really want this to be done as fast as possible we cant start the duel now, we can go to the training grounds if you want "

Think about it when was the last time since we spar... I cant even remember heh... "Sure"

"Then please follow me" We all stand up with few remained seated as we began exiting the room.

"Well I have no reason to be here then " Said Thailand leaving probably going home now. "Me too" Others said while following Thailand and started discussing about what to eat for lunch.

Not gonna lie it shook me on
On how wide this training ground is. I never really roam or hangout in the head quarters after all I just wanna go home and rest. What idiot would even stay at a den full of animals waiting to devour you?

The only one in the training ground right now are Me, Martial Law, Malaysia (he said he wants to see me get my ass beaten), Del Pilar, Brunei (He said hes worried about me) and ASEAN.

"The rules are simple you lose you either get or lose your title... Its also not my fault if anyone dies here. Now go pick you weapon over there" He pointed over to the wall full of weapons, ranging from bows, swords, and guns.

As I was still thinking on what to used. Martial already pick a gun off the shelf and now testing it on the target practice.

Its so hard to pick I mean Im well verse in different type of weapon, afterall I was train ever since I was a toddler by Ginoong Katipunan. 'If your going to live here then be useful' he says'

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