Chapter Five

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The duel ended peacefully with me leaving a huge damage on the ground that will probably costs alot to repair. And Martial Law getting the position of Country Master. Im just going home going to relax on my bathtub as I can finally do whatever I want...! Not...

Here I am with the one and only Malaysia... What does this fucker even want with me?

For contex mine and his relationship were not really great, we hated each other. I think its because of one time when I humilate him infront of everyone at the party. I mean who the fuck ask someone to hook up with at a formal party at that?! Its not an excuse that hes drunk, afterall Im still a Country Master and not just a merely prostitute.

I just want to go home and rest when suddenly I was grabbed by the arm by someone and dragged me to the storage room. I never bother to fight back. I dont really want to cause a scene anyway. And now im face to face with an angry Malaysia.

"I dont know whats your plotting but let me tell you one thing... LEAVE brunei and the other members alone you bitch." Venom lace his voice as he glares at me probably expecting me to cower in fear or atleast be taken a back atleast one bit.. Oh well too bad Ive been to a much scarier type of threatening.

"And why would I do that?" But oh well this will be fun. So instead of just beating him up I just decide to play along to his shit and piss him off. And its already working basing on how his glare got harsher, the atmosphere became a lot colder as he step forward towards me.

This time I was suddenly taken aback my eyes widen when he suddenly pin my arms up on the wall while cornering me at the same time. As he lean down to my ear he whispered "Just as I said leave h- ACK..!"

He didnt get to finish his sentence when I suddenly kick him where the sun doesnt shine. He fell on his knees finally letting go of me as he clutch his crotch and grimacing at pain of how hard I kicked him.

I harshly grabbed his jaw making him look up at me as I glared down at him. His eyes wide and somehow his cheeks..... Were red..? Probably just because he's out of breath.

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do huh? Even if the position of a Country Master were not mine anymore dont fucking forget that you will always be below me...." I let go of his face now walking towards the door leaving him frozen in his position... Hayyyts I just want rest and relax why cant my simple wish be granted...!

Wait... The door isnt moving... I tried turning the knob again. Third time. Fourth time.... Fifth time.... Holy shit .... Dont tell me... "Were locked" I glance towards him as that statement seemed to snapped him out of his trance as he quickly turn his head staring at me wide eyes his cheeks still flushed but seems to be not as red as earlier. Thats good, afterall I want to relax not spend my time in prison for accidentally murdering a Country Master...

His stood up from his position and walked towards me gently pushing me away from the door as he also tried opening it. Multiple times... I grabbed his hand stopping him its no use anyway. "Thats not gonna work idiot"

I looked around the room and noticed that there wasnt any windows at all. I walked towards one of the crate that I can hop on easily and sat on it. Malaysia followed suit but instead sat on a crate a few feet away from me. An awkward silence envelop the two of us. But I just ignored it and opt to figure out a way out of here.


I was interupted from my thoughts when I heared my companion says something. "Whats that?" I looked at him not hearing well what he just said.

He look at me nervously. Well thats new as he mutter words that I didnt expect to hear from him.

"Im sorry"

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