Chapter Fourteen

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I sigh reading the contents of the letter I have recieved. Its from Brunei.

It states that he might not be able to attend the school until next year unless he can fix all of the paperworks and find someone who can temporarily replace him as a Country Master to govern his country while he's away.

I kinda miss him even though we only got to hang out for a short while. I still cant get the guilt out of my chest on how I neglected him.

My eyed lit up as an amazing idea come into mind. But of course I still need to get his approval.

I sat up from my bed and gather some parchment to write a letter. I know its inconvenient as we can just communicate with each other through phone but this is kinda fun you know?

I finished writing and knock on my window three time before opening it. And then a screech can be heard I move out of the way as a eagel enter my room going into circles a few times before landing on its perch that I set up just for him.

I stood up and approach Hari. My pet Philippine eagle. I had him ever since I joined the revolution and we kinda stick together after that.

Hari isnt my first pet eagle actually. I kinda remember having one when Im still a little kid and that one is a girl so I probably named her Reyna.

Sadly Spanish Empire took her away saying that I shouldnt own such kind of pets as its unciviliced of me...

But its ok the chicken for dinner that same day is delicious anyway.

I rub Hari's beak as he purrs on my hand. I gently put my letter to its legs, tying it gently.

Hari leaned towards me seeming as he wants more rub so I obliged. He lets out a sound as I began playing with him.

"Awwww who's the good boy? Who's the good boy? Thats right! Its Hari!" I giggled as he flap his wings around.

After a little while I became tired and notice on the clock on the wall that its already 1 am. So I finally sent Hari away.

Its tuesday so I have classes later. I wont even bother to go to sleep as I still need to work out and get ready for school. Afterall I'm pretty sure that New York got finally discharge from the hospital...

I walk towards the corridor planning to get to my classroom as fast as possible its currently 6 am. Im later than my usual time of going in 5:30

I sigh tired from lack of sleep and sore body from my exercise earlier. I fell down the stairs earlier too because Im in a daze and Antonio insist that I shouldnt go to school. Ha! No way.

But its strange since I had nothing but bad luck ever since this morning... Could it get worse-

"Oh my! Im finally able to catch a wild Philippines!" I stop dead on my tracks as a familiar voice call out to me.

I turn my head irritated at his sight. Theres also a valid reason on why I always go to school super early in the morning. And that is to avoid annoying insects such as this bastard.

"Oh come on! Just looking at your expression it seems that you want me dead!" Cause I do want you dead.

I ignored him and continue on my way hoping that he would just leave me alone. But that seem to not work as he just continue talking and following me until Im at the door of my classroom.

I noticed that Belarus are already there probably waiting for me. I walk towards her and the annoying bastard follows. She look at me and smile.

I smile back at her which shook the annoying bastard.

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