Chapter 21

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"Valentine's day?" Archer looked at Ritsuka with a raised brow. "Now why will I participate in such stupid nonsense?" He huffed at the soon-coming event. Seriously, it's just a bunch of waste. So much chocolate is being given out, handing it out to a special one, a loved one, or a show of gratitude.

"Come on! I'm sure you'll like it!" Ritsuka said. Handing Archer a wrapped piece of chocolate.

"If this is supposed to charm me, then I'm sorry Master. I do not swing that way." Archer turned his head to the side while pushing the chocolate away.

"I-It's not like that!" Ritsuka stuttered, his face burning red. "Trust me, it's just as embarrassing for you as it is to me."

"You know... You don't have to give me something again this year, right? The chocolate from last year, and even the year before that, and so forth was alright. You don't have to continue with that silly event each year." Archer said with a blank state of mind. Ignoring the boy's flustered face.

"Yeah well, I enjoy spending time doing these holidays. Besides, this is just my sign of appreciation for everything."

"Sigh What will I ever do with you Master?"

"Protect me...? Guide me...?" Ritsuka hesitated Rin answering.

"..." Archer squinted as he stared at Ritsuka. "Fair enough. I will accept your gift then. Even though the 14th yet, it seems like the others are preparing." Archer smiled, grabbing the wrapped chocolate.

"Hmm, now it's my turn to give you something in return I suppose." Archer gave a wrapped form towards Ritsuka who grabbed it.

"What's this? Looks like an envelope?"

"Does every gift not look like an envelope, but somehow magically appears to be something bigger than what you see once opening it up?"

"Fair enough." Ritsuka said. "Thanks, mom!" Ritsuka smiled as he ran away.

"Oi! I'm not your mother!" Archer yelled at the Master of Chaldea. "At least call me dad!" Archer sighed at his Master's antics. Closing his eyes then reopening them, staring at the wrapped chocolate in his hand.

"If only this holiday didn't exist." Archer frowned. Thinking back to a few people who shall nag him... Scratch that, multiple people. Some people with who he's fairly acquainted... Knowing them, he's gonna have to make a LOT of chocolate for them by force.

"Your majesty?"

"Majesty...? Oh, what the hell is this bs now?" Archer turned to look at the person who called out his name. Irritated at the new title. Only to be met with something he wouldn't have expected. "Oh... It's you." Tilting his head up and the giant woman who rose above him by a bit in height. Being 190 cm (6'2 ft) while he is 187 cm. (6'1)

"What's with the majesty title anyway?" Archer asked Barghest, otherwise known as Fairy Knight Gawain, one of the knights of Morgan.

"G-Given that her highness self-proclaimed you as her husband... It's only natural to call you majesty as well. Given that you're my highness lover."

"... It's one-sided, she's just delusional." Archer said bluntly. "Besides, we're not even married."


"Indeed." Archer nodded. He could not wait— Wait no... What is he saying? Curse that witch, she's brainwashing and corrupting him slowly! He closed his eyes and then opened them again. "Please, just call me Archer. Anyway, to what pleasure do I owe a member of the Fairy Knights?"

"W-well..." Barghest had trouble as she fidgeted. "If it may be much to ask, may I get your opinion on a recent batch of chocolate that I made?" Barghest asked Archer.

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