Chapter 34

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"Bartender for tonight eh? That makes the night even better to be honest." Robin Hood puffed out some smoke, gripping the drink. "Another drink while you're at it.

"Coming right up." Archer began working on the drink, another wave of whisky it is!

"Heh, boy is life good. Bars are probably one of the greatest places to relax. Do you want a drink, Paris? Mandricardo?" Hector looked at his brother in question alongside the king/traveler. Paris frowned as the sheep on top of the boy's head just blinks. 

"Spending your night in a bar instead of elsewhere, really, Brother?" Paris frowned.

"Alcohol does wonders Paris. You can try some to throw away your thoughts!" Apollo, Divine Spirit and partner of Paris, also the sheep laying on top of the boy's head, said.

"I'll take a drink I suppose. Orion?" Mandricardo stared at the large Archer.

"Beer sure does hit the spot! Especially when talking to a hot woman or picking them up." The Grand Archer said. His face turned into a teddy bear as he thought of his fantasies.

"Heh, truly a night of wonders ain't it? Us heroes do deserve a break from time to time." Achilles smirked. "Ah, nothing but a good drink for the night!"

"Tch...!" Paris frowned at Achilles. Murderous thoughts occur in his mind as he stared at the hero.

"The hero of Troy and his brother, a hunter of the woods who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, a greek hero, a king/traveler in search of Durandal, and another Greek hero who got a goddess to fall in love with him walked into a bar. Talk about quite the odd pairing to see together."

"Come now Archer, you're part of this too aren't you? It's a night out." Hector said.

"And I'm working."

"Doesn't stop ya from joining us in the fun." Robin Hood told the man. Stopped the glass of whiskey that was slid to his side from the Bowman. "Thanks." Archer then proceeded to give Mandricardo and Orion their drinks as well, giving the Bowman a "thanks" in return.

"Mm..." Archer nodded, closing his eyes.

"I didn't know you worked nightshifts in the bar as well. Usually, you're in the cafeteria each day from morning to the time it closes." Paris told the man.

"That's a workaholic if I've ever seen one." Apollo said, jumping up and down.

"You know that tickles right?" Giggled Paris as the divine spirit jumped around.

"It's a way to pass time." Archer shrugged. He put a glass cup down on the bar counter and pours juice into it. "When I got nothing better to do, nightshifts are always there." He slid the glass of apple juice towards Paris.


"Apple juice."

"Am I a kid to you? You could have just given me water." Frowned the younger brother of Troy.

"Apple juice isn't that bad, I drink it from time to time. Kid or not, it's good."

"Heh, you're not wrong. A drink is never too young or old. So long as you enjoy it, nothing wrong with it." Hector said with a chuckle. "Though it's funny isn't it, drinking with people close to me, especially the one who killed me." Hector said.

"!" Paris twitched his eye. "That's why he must die, brother."

"Heh, just like in Atlantis, you haven't changed." Achilles smirked.

"Hmph..." Paris frowned at the Greek Servant, he's lucky that he hasn't attacked him.

"Come now, don't rile him up." Hector said to Achilles. "Less about the past and more about the future. Sides' we all have the same common goal here in the end." Hector smiles.

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