Chapter 4

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Summary of the last two chapters:

So George used to go to high school with Dream, and the Alpha would bully him every day because the Omega worked as a stripper to pay for his school fees. (They are the same age in this fanfic)

The night before their graduation, George was working and spent the night with a stranger, who ends up marking him. In the morning he finds out that it was Dream, and decided to disappear to a faraway college.

While he attended college he continued to work as a stripper, to help provide for himself, then later on moved even further away to the city that he currently lives in.

Okay now back to the present :)


George was brought back to the present when he heard his co-workers applaud at something that Dream said.

His hand flew up to where his faded mark was. He kept wearing the collar to hide the fact that he was claimed, since claimed Omegas were expected to quit their jobs and stay home to take care of the house and raise their pups.

Because he didn't mark Dream back, their mating was considered incomplete. His mark along with their bond had all but disappeared these past 6 years.

Why? Just a few more years and our bond would have been completely severed. George thought in panic, he proceeded to take in a couple of deep breaths to calm his heart. Relax George, it could all be a coincidence, he probably won't even recognize you.

After a few more excruciating minutes, the meeting was finally adjourned, and George immediately ran back to hide in his cubicle. Their bond may have weakened considerably, but he still felt a certain pull towards the blonde. Luckily for him, it wasn't too much of a bother, and he could easily ignore it.

He drowned himself in work, stopping only to see the clock hit 4:55.

Just a bit more, George thought, already getting ready to escape.

"Mr. Davidson?" a voice called from behind him, and George whirled his chair around in fright.

His panic only increased when he found Sapnap standing in front of him.

Huh? He's gotten quite handsome this past 6 years, and he actually works under Dream, George thought.

"My name is Sapnap and I serve as Mr. Killian's personal assistant. He would like a word with you in his office." The raven head said with a smile.

George gave him a stiff nod, before standing up to follow the man. Okay, he doesn't seem to recognize me. Maybe I'm safe and just made a mistake somewhere in my coding, George reasoned.

"In here," Sapnap said as he slightly opened the door to the office.

George gave him another small nod then stepped in. He inhaled sharply when he heard the door click shut behind him, and his eyes wandered around the room before landing on Dream.

The blonde was calmly seated behind his desk and seemed to be occupied with a couple of reports.

George decided to say something, but Dream beat him to it.

"Mr. Davidson, please come closer," the blonde said in a rather nonchalant tone.

George did as asked, till his thighs were practically touching the table.

"Did my report contain an error, Sir?" The omega asked in a shaky voice.

Dream let out a sigh and placed the report down, before lifting his eyes to meet the brunette's brown ones. He then stood up and slowly made his way around the desk, closing the distance between him and George.

"It took six years, you are quite the slippery man George," he said when he got close enough. His rather emotionless expression had now melted away to reveal an amused smirk.

George inhaled sharply, Shit!

Before the brunette could react, the Alpha had effectively caged him in. The blonde's hands were placed on his desk, with George in between them, blocking all escape.

The blonde continued to look smug as his eyes darkened in lust, making the omega's body shiver under his gaze. George let out a small gasp when Dream leaned in to trace his lips around the area of the brunette's collar, that concealed his faded mark.

"Why are you still wearing this darn thing, you are already mine," The Alpha growled as he nipped at George's neck, causing the brunette to whimper a bit.

The sensation of having his mate finally near him was making George's body go crazy. He could already feel the blush creeping onto his cheeks, and his legs went weak as he started to release his pheromones, signifying his aroused state.

"Fuck, you smell so good," Dream growled as he inhaled the omega's sweet scent, which was a mix of jasmine, white gardenia, and a dash of pink pepper.

George gasped when he felt the blonde bite his ear lobe, and would have crumbled to the floor if Dream wasn't holding him.

"Strip for me baby, just like you did all those years ago." Dream growled.

George felt something in him suddenly snap at that phrase, and before he knew it, his body had moved on its own.


Meanwhile, Sapnap was standing outside the door when he heard the sound of a loud clap, followed by a groan, coming from inside the office.

He was debating on whether or not he should check on the pair, when the door was suddenly swung open by a very angry, yet flustered George.

The brunette stomped away, releasing a scent that clearly said, 'if you want to live, leave me alone.'

Sapnap sighed before entering the office. There, he found Dream sprawled on the floor with a hand gently touching the cheek that George had slapped earlier.

When the blonde smelled his friend, he turned towards him with tears streaming from his eyes, and a completely broken expression on his face.

"Sapnap," the Alpha whined, before crawling his way over on all fours to hug the Beta's leg.

Here we go again, Sapnap thought in an exasperated tone, as he patted Dream's head in a comforting manner.

"He hates me, my mate hates me!" The blonde cried out, before bawling loudly like a child.

Sapnap let out a tired sigh, there he is... Pissbaby Killian.

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