Chapter 7

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The next morning, George rushed excitedly to work. The company that they checked yesterday had received his resume and seemed very impressed. Since they urgently needed new employees, the man from HR said that they would give him an answer this morning.

Upon reaching his cubicle he finally receives the long-awaited call, but it wasn't the answer that he was hoping for.

"No it's okay I understand, thank you for your time," he muttered before ending the call.

Why would they turn him down? They seemed rather happy with his application yesterday. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Sapnap telling him that Dream wanted to see him.

What does the asshole want now? George groaned as he entered the office.

Dream had a stern expression on his face as he stared out the window, with his hands clasped behind his back.

George walked towards the alpha but kept some space between them.

"What do you want Dream?" he asked in a cold voice.

"You've been looking for work in other companies," came the response.

"How did you- Wait... Were you the reason that they didn't accept my application?" he asked angrily.

Dream took a step towards the brunette and stared down at him, "You are not going anywhere, George."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Is it not enough that you messed up my early life? Must you mess up my current one as well?"

"There is no reason for you to work George. With me as your mate, I can buy whatever you need. I know that you've been financially struggling since you moved here, which is something that I don't understand when you are receiving a decent salary." Dream pointed out, and George's body instantly tensed up as a response.

Dream narrowed his eyes and stepped even closer, "What are you hiding George?" he asked.

George's bottom lip started quivering, so he bit it still, "Please just leave me alone Dream," he begged softly.

The alpha sighed, "Fine, but in exchange, you are to join me for dinner."

The omega's eyes widen in shock, "Are you insane, I am not going anywhere with you!"

"Then I will continue to interfere and pry into your life, till I find every little secret that I can exploit." the blonde threatened.

George's resolve weakened, and he directed his gaze to the floor. "Fine, but promise you'll leave me alone afterward."

The Alpha smiled in his small victory. "I'll leave you alone, for a while. But do not do anything stupid George."

George nodded then left the office by slamming the door. His eyes then searched for one person among the crowd of workers.

When he finally spotted the raven-head, he stomped over and dragged the man into a corner, where they could talk without being disturbed.

"What is wrong with you Sapnap! Don't you see that I want nothing to do with Dream?" George whisper yelled.

Sapnap let out a sigh, "George, I spent the last 6 years searching for you on Dream's behalf. I am not about to let you disappear again."

"So you intend to trap me here? Do you think that this will change my opinion of you two?"

"Look, just give him a chance. He's changed a lot since high school. Did you know that after you left, he started doing business while going to college? He built his wealth so he could use it to find you, and be able to provide you with a good life afterward."

The brunette scoffed, "Do you really think that I would be impressed by that? That I would forget all the torture he put me through?"

Sapnap winced at the omega's sharp tone.

George sighed, "Look, just let me live my life. That's the least you both can do..." he then walked away.

Sapnap took a minute to relax before slowly making his way to Dream's office. "You just had to tell him?"

Dream tensed, "I had too, or else he would have tried to apply at another company again."

Sapnap sighed, "He will try again, cause that's just the type of person he is."

Dream looked down in deep thought...

"Well, did you at least get him to agree to dinner?" Sapnap asked, and Dream's face lit up with a smile.

"How did you get him to agree?" Sapnap continued to probe with narrowed eyes.

Dream coughed nervously, making Sapnap let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay, no more threatening him, and you better be nice to him tonight no matter how he acts."

Dream gave his friend a nod then turned back to the paperwork in front of him.


That afternoon George tapped his foot in impatience while waiting for Sapnap to bring the car around. Dream stood beside the fuming Omega, shuffling uncomfortably in place.


"Don't force yourself to start a conversation. I fully intended to merely eat with you, and not converse with you." George declared, cutting him off.

When Sapnap finally arrived, the pair quickly stepped into the car.

Stay calm George. You do this and he will leave you alone, the brunette said to himself.

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