Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dedication to In_wond3rland_ because she's such a sweetheart and comments on like.. All of my stories. :) (Please read Author's Note at the end!)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

An hour later and I was standing in front of a mirror. I had refused any type of make-up, telling Lou that honestly, wearing a dress was enough torture for me to go through in one day. She continued to bugger me about it and I stayed firm.. Until she brought in her little girl. Lux, who was just learning to talk, repeated after her mother, saying 'Lipgloss!' repeatedly. So I consented.. Only if Lux would apply it.

"Go like this!" The two, almost three year old, declared as she waved the lipgloss wand around. She then, pretty much, attacked my lips with it. Not sure if there was more on my lips or more inside my mouth.

"Okay," I laughed.

My hair was down, seeing as I also refused any type of bun, braid, or anything. So the slightly curly, brown hair had been left alone and hung down to just under my chest. The dress clung annoyingly to my body and I was honestly thinking about just yelling 'no deal', ripping it off and then crawling under the covers in my room and watching Merlin.

Yet, although I was a stubborn girl, I never went against what I said I'd do. I'd promised Lou that I would go through with it all, that I wouldn't back out. Easier said than done. Especially when another freaking limo pulled into the house's driveway. The girls and Harry waited at the door.. They all saw Cara first, her friends all declaring how flawless she looked. And it was true.

The blonde's dress accentuated her body shape, and her hair had been spun up into a lovely bun. Her make-up was done to a tee, dark eyeshadow making her bright blue eyes pop. Harry smirked in approval, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Then, as if in sync, they all turned to look at me. Cara grinned knowingly at me and I subconsciously picked at my nails.

With my dark brown hair down, I assumed I looked just like I normally did. Yet the girls all had wide eyes and Harry stared at me as if I was the first girl he had ever laid eyes on.

"You look.. Wow. You look stunning," he blubbered out, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek. I pulled a Matrix move, bending out of the way so he missed. I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled. "Still the same attitude, though."

"You can put a dress on a girl, but that doesn't change who she is." I shot back, hiking the dress up and stalking to the limo.

I heard a few girls mutter under their breathes about my converse clad feet, but I plopped right into the seat.

"You can't be in a bad mood when we get to the event," Harry forewarned as he and Cara got into the limousine as well.

"I promise to be on my absolutely best behavior," I said sarcastically.

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