Divination 201: Astrology

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Astrology is divination by stars and planets. You've probably heard of astrology before; you likely know your zodiac sign and have read your horoscope in a magazine or blog. While a simple horoscope reading may be generic, broad, and overall not very useful - astrology as a whole is much more intricate and involved. 

Natal Chart

Your natal chart is a capture of the position of each planet in the solar system on the moment you were born. In astrology, we assign meanings to the planets and their positions so that we can make divinatory readings from the natal chart.

The image below shows a typical natal chart. It may look overwhelming at first, but don't worry; we'll cover the basics on how to read this chart throughout this chapter.

 It may look overwhelming at first, but don't worry; we'll cover the basics on how to read this chart throughout this chapter

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The Signs

The outer circle of a natal chart represents the sky and is divided into 12 equal sections which each have an astrological sign. Each sign carries a set of characteristics which describe a certain 'state' of personality.

Here is a very quick summary of what each sign represents:
♈🔥 Aries: Willpower, impulsive, initiative, courage, energy, activity
♉🌍 Taurus: Sensual, pleasure-seeker, steadfast, strives for security
♊🌬️ Gemini: Mental type, witty, communicative, mobile, takes pleasure in learning
♋🌊 Cancer: Emotional type, stubborn, seeks safety and closeness
♌🔥 Leo: Glamour, generosity, organizer, the centre of attention
♍🌍 Virgo: Precise, differentiates, does what is necessary, utilitarian
♎🌬️ Libra: Sense of beauty & proportion, tactful, seeks balance and harmony
♏🌊 Scorpio: Corrosive, passionate, piercing, extreme
♐🔥 Sagittarius: Free spirit, carefree, love of movement, cheerful
♑🌍 Capricorn: Enduring, has a sense of purpose, proud, ambitious
♒🌬️ Aquarius: Communicative, humanitarian, progressive, fraternal
♓🌊 Pisces: Sensitive, compassionate, helpful, sociable

In addition, each sign is associated with one of the four elements. These elements give each sign a kind of temperament, and describes the way they interact with other signs & planets. Some natal charts can have a lot of one or two particular elements, which can manifest strongly in the querent's personality.

 Some natal charts can have a lot of one or two particular elements, which can manifest strongly in the querent's personality

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