Plants, Herbs, & Spices

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Plant magick is very potent. Plants contain vast amounts of the earth's energy, all four elements are involved in their growth, and many plants have centuries of associated folklore & superstition. Not to mention, some plants have scientifically proven medicinal uses too.

⚠️ WARNING: You are responsible for your own health. That means...
> Thoroughly research what you ingest or apply topically.
> Be aware of allergies and intolerances (do patch tests and start with small doses).
> Know the limitations any natural substance has (don't use witchcraft in place of conventional medicine).
> Above all, research possible side effects, risks, and reactions.
> If you are currently taking medications, consult your health care professional before starting on any herbal treatment. Natural substances contain chemicals just like conventional medicines; understand that they can interfere with your medication.

Where to get plants, herbs & spices

🍽️ Check your kitchen: Before you go out and buy anything, check your spice rack and see what you've already got. A lot of the most common seasoning ingredients have magickal properties that can be used in witchcraft. For example, black pepper is associated with courage & banishing negativity, rosemary is connected with good health, purification, & memory, and thyme attracts loyalty & affection.

 For example, black pepper is associated with courage & banishing negativity, rosemary is connected with good health, purification, & memory, and thyme attracts loyalty & affection

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💰 Buying herbs: You can buy herbs online or from New Age stores, however I recommend to buy your herbs from grocery stores. This is because you want to buy food-grade herbs so they are safe for consumption; this is not always the case when buying online or from New Age stores. It makes no difference to the magick if your herbs are fresh or dried; you can buy live plants or spice jars. The only difference is that fresh and dried herbs are better suited to some practical purposes over others, e.g. dried herbs are good for making powders, whereas fresh herbs are good for garnishing dishes.
Here's an extra tip: Consider buying teabags. You can get lots of different types that contain different herbs. Nothing feels more witchy than sipping a herbal, magick-infused tea on a cold winter's morning. Teabags are also a great way for closet witches to obtain herbs; if you don't want to brew tea then you can cut open the bags and use the herbs inside.

🌱 Cultivating your own: A lot of common plants and herbs are very easy to grow yourself. If you have a garden, you can dedicate a space to grow herbs, or grow them in pots. If you don't have a garden, many herbs can be grown by the windowsill, or you can buy a home hydroponics kit (example pictured below). Cultivating your own ingredients is rewarding because you can grow your plants organically, imbue your plants with magick as they're growing, and harvest them with a magickal ritual.

 Cultivating your own ingredients is rewarding because you can grow your plants organically, imbue your plants with magick as they're growing, and harvest them with a magickal ritual

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