Primary Tools

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First things first: do not... I repeat... do not think you need tools. You can still be a successful witch without using any tools or spending any money. That said, tools can be helpful to beginner witches as they serve to remind you that you are working with another realm of existence. They help to firmly cement in your subconscious brain, "I'm a witch, I'm practising witchcraft, and this is my will." Tools essentially help you to switch you into an alternate state of consciousness; a mindset ideal for working your magick. With practice, adept witches can easily switch their mindset into a magickal one without tools; but for beginners, switching your mindset can be difficult, so tools make it easier.

The abundance of tools or the quality of tools does not automatically make a more powerful witch. A highly experienced witch can just as easily cast a powerful hex with a single onion than a newbie witch using a full set of tools. 

🧘 Mastering The Basics is the most important thing to becoming a successful witch, not the physical tools you use. 🧘

The abundance and quality of tools does not matter, but forming a strong bond with your tools can matter. When you really get to know your personal tools and ingredients, you become accustomed to the way they work, their range of function, what they're capable of, and the jobs they are ideal for. 

Tools and ingredients have common correspondences (e.g. rosemary is good for cleansing, rose quartz is good for love) but they can also have unique, personal uses to different witches. For example, lavender is commonly used in spells to aid sleep, but some people can't stand the smell or are allergic to it; in that case a witch may choose to use the lavender for something else entirely, or use another herb in its place.

🪔 Choose your tools carefully, don't collect them all at once; allow time and practice to form proper bonds with your tools so they will serve you better. 🪔


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Consecration is the process of blessing an item, making it sacred for only a single purpose. Witches often consecrate their tools so they become sacred to their craft. In other words, once a witch's tool has been consecrated, it can only be used for magick. If it is used for something else, say, someone else uses your cauldron for a Halloween party, it will need to be re-consecrated. Some witches also choose to re-consecrate their tools after they've been used for a heavy banishing or curse.

🎇 While it is not mandatory, most witches consecrate all of their primary tools such as the ritual dagger, wand, cauldron, chalice, and broom. Consecration is highly recommended for beginners. 🎇

Consecration typically involves cleansing the object, followed by blessing it with each of the four elements and any preferred deities, but you can consecrate it in any way you like.

Tool Storage

Most witches store all of their tools together in the same place to maintain the balance of magickal energy, however you can also choose to store your tools on your altar or in a display cabinet where you can admire them. 

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