Additional Tools

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The following tools are commonly used in Wicca and witchcraft, but they are either not as prominent as the primary tools, or perform only very minor roles. The tools below are listed in alphabetical order.


Bells are sometimes used in witchcraft for protection, or to signal a phase transition during rituals. They are typically rung at the beginning of a ritual to cleanse the energy in a room, the belief being that bad spirits are repelled by the high-pitched noise, and the sound raises the vibrations in the space.

Bells can also be rung when you are moving from one phase in a ritual to another. For example, moving from cleansing/meditation, to calling upon spirits/deities, and then again before performing the spell. It is common to ring the bell after casting a sacred circle, and then again when you remove the circle at the conclusion of the ritual.

 It is common to ring the bell after casting a sacred circle, and then again when you remove the circle at the conclusion of the ritual

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Bells can be hung above doorways or placed in cupboards to ward off negative energy. Faefolk often find bells enjoyable, so they're featured in fairy gardens a lot.

You can use any kind of bell in your craft; a bell you might find in an antique store, a service desk bell, or even cow bells.


The bolline (sometimes spelled "boline", pronounced bow-LEEN) is a ceremonial knife used for practical purposes. As the athame is sometimes to referred to as the black-handled knife, the bolline, in turn, is known as the white-handled knife.

In a previous chapter we learned that athames are never used for physical cutting - that job is reserved for the bolline. It is used for harvesting herbs, cutting ribbons, carving wood, and all other practical uses in witchcraft.

Bolline blades are kept sharp, and traditionally are slightly curved either upwards or downwards. Downwards curving bollines look like small sickles; their crescent shape is associated with the moon. Alternatively you can use an upward curving blade, like the one pictured below.

 Alternatively you can use an upward curving blade, like the one pictured below

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As usual, obtaining a traditional-looking bolline is not necessary. You can use any preferred kind of sharp knife. Kitchen witches tend to use regular kitchen knives. A nice pair of decorated scissors or secateurs suits the role of a bolline very well.

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