chapter 3

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If you saw my face now, you would laugh. I was so chocked I couldn't get a word out of my mouth. Thankfully he opened his mouth first.

-Hi Alexandra. Nice to see you again, he said.

I was stunned, so chocked. Finally I could open my mouth too.

-Oh call me Alex please. I thought I would never see you again, I said.

-Well, when they said that someone had called about a bag of mine on a plane I knew it had to be you calling. I had to see you again, he said smiling.

He continued:

-I don't have much time but I would like to make it up to you for all this trouble. Can I take you to dinner tonight?

- Yeah of course you can Charles, I replied while blushing lightly.

He gave me his number and said he would text me the details for later tonight. Sadly he had to leave, he didn't say much about why. I will ask him later.

When I had gone back inside, I started to freak out. Am I going on a date with Charles? Or is it just a friendly dinner? As any normal person would do, I called my best friend. I told her all about the flight and this morning. She said that it totally was a date. We freaked out more togheter and then I suddenly got a text from him.


Charles/nice boy with nice ass from plane:

Can I pick you up at seven tonight? We are going to a nice resturant, I won't say more than that ;)


I replied to Charles that seven sounded great. After that I texted my family that I had plans for tonight and that I might be gone before they come home. When they asked why, I answered that I was going out to meet a friend.

The rest of the day I tried to be productive and catch up on some schoolwork. But honestly it wasn't going that great. The only thing on my mind was him. That smile, those eyes and obviously that ass.

I picked up my phone and realised what time it was. I was going to meet up with him in an hour. I rushed to the bathroom to do my make-up. As I was doing my make-up I started to get nervous. What if it gets akward? What if the chemistry we had on the plane is gone? What if he won't like me anymore?

I tried to forget all the negative thoughts to focus on getting ready. Luckily I had brought a nice dress that would be perfect for a night like this. I took a look in the mirror and loved what I saw. I hope he will too. I debated with myself over putting on a comfortable pair of sneakers or the pair of heels my mom had gifted me last Christmas. I decided to be myself and took the sneakers.

As I put on my shoes I heard a car pull up on the driveway. I took my purse and walked outside. It was the same sleek black car and the same familiar eyes as earlier today. Wow! He looked sooo good. I might pass out. After we said hi, he opened the door for me. What a gentleman.


Love Is In The Air - Charles LeclercOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz