chapter 8

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The next day I woke up in a large bed. The sun found it's way through the sheer curtains. I stretched my arms and got up. Before walking out of the room I stopped in front of the window. The view was amazing. Last night it was to dark to really see anything, but wow Monaco is absolutely stunning.

I walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. On my way there I smelled food being cooked. And then I saw Charles standing there in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt in the kitchen frying something. I stopped in the doorway and watched him for a couple of seconds before saying anything.

-Good morning Charl, I said smiling. What are you cooking?

-Ahh good morning. I didn't hear you coming, he said now half turned. I making some breakfast. Pancakes, scrambled eggs and some bacon.

I got up to him and he took me in to his arms. I took a deep breath trough my nose and smelled his amazing scent. Wow, how did I get this lucky?

I helped Charles fix the rest of the breakfast and we sat down at the table. We started taking breakfast on our plates. The food was really good. Great personality, good looks and can cook? I'm sold. Excited about being I Monaco I asked:

-So what's the plan for the day?

-Well I thought I would take you around the city and show you where I grew up. And maybe all the places you need to see once you're in Monaco, he said jokingly.

We ate up the breakfast and went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Charles held out his toothbrush when I was putting on toothpaste on mine. I decided to help him out by giving him way to much toothpaste. I laughed as I did it deliberately. I looked at me funny and put his toothbrush in his mouth. We stood there in silence brushing our teeth, the only sound being our toothbrushes against our teeth.

I got ready to spit out the toothpaste and pushed Charles to the side so I had enough space. Instead he decided to push back. I tried pushing him back and we ended up both push eachother. When we stopped I finally got to spit it out.

After brushing our teeth we went to separate rooms to get dressed. I took on a summer dress that ended above the knee with spaghetti straps. With that I put on my white usual sneakers. I let my hair be down and I only put on some mascara. I got out of the room and saw him sitting in the couch I the living room. I sneaked up behind him and hugged him.

-Oh hi Lex you scared me, he said slightly jumping. Are you ready to go?

We left his apartment and started walking the roads of Monaco. He showed me where he had gone to school and told me stories about his childhood. I listened interested and walked next to him. We walked down to the ocean and the water looked absolutely lovely. He said that we could go swimming someday and I smiled back happily. It was weird since I had just left a snowy Sweden to now be here in a warm Monaco. We continued and decided to take a seat at a small restaurant. We got seated on a private poarch and I think Charles knew the owners.

We sat down and started reading the menu. I'm happy I studied French in school, thought it wasn't enough for me to understand much.

-You know I studied French in school for some time but I don't understand much from this menu.

-Here I will help you, he said and laughed.

We ordered some pasta to the both of us and started talking. I had missed talking to him in person so it was nice to finally do that. The view was beautiful so as the rest of Monaco. As I was speaking to Charles my phone rang.

-I'm sorry. I'm going to make it really quick.

-It's fine go on, he said smiling.

I answered the phone and said:

-Vad är det vi brukar säga? Vi ringer inte varandra när vi är ute med killar. Jag sa ju att jag skulle vara i Monaco med Charles i veckan. Jag kan ringa dig senare... okej, hej.
(What do we usually say? We don't call each other when we're out with guys. I told you I would be I Monaco for the week with Charles. I'll call you later... okey, bye)

As I hung up I looked up at Charles. He was really confused and I loved that look in his face.

-It was my best friend, I said laughing. And yes that was in Swedish.

-Yeah I understood that, he laughed. I really did not understand a thing.

We both laughed. The food got out and as we ate I tried to teach him some Swedish. It didn't sound that good but it was fine because he really wanted to try and that made me smile.


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