Chapter 1: People talk

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It was Monday, and like any other Monday I got up and had to get ready for school. I'm not realyy one of those girls who dresses up and gets all pretty for school. I try to keep it casual, maybe that's why Danny doesn't really see me as dating material. I don't really go big with make-up either. Mascara and some eye liner is about as far as I usually go.

As I walk to school which is about a short five minuets away, I notice Alina's blonde head sitting on the benches. "Hey Jazz!" she yelled, signaling for me to go over to her. Jazz is the nickname Alina gave me. She says it spices up my name "Jazlene" which she thinks sounds to fancy.

Alina's my bestfriend, sister practically. I've known her since the first grade, and considering that we were now juniors in highschool we never plan to separate from eachother. As I walk over to the benches I notice some people staring, and after Friday it was pretty obvious why.

"Dude! What went down!?" Alina yelled softly.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Couldn't really take anything Alina said seriously cause' just about everything she gets excited about isn't big news. But that's one of the many things I love about Alina, she enjoys the little things in life.

"Don't even act like you don't know what the hell I'm talking about." she said, sounding irritated. Then it hit me, Friday.

"Crap, who told you ?" I said trying to sound casual.

"Well your not very good at keeping a low down profile, cause' almost every junior saw you and Dan-the-man getting cozy after school." Dan-the-man was the nickname Alina randomly chose to give Danny. I personally think the name "Danny" sounds perfect as is.

"Oh wow, we were just cuddling and messing around. We do it all the time, it was nothing." I said, trying to sound careless.

"Sounds like couple stuff to me." she teased.

"I wish..." I said under my breath, hoping Alina wouldn't hear.

It didn't matter if she did though, she knows how I feel about him. I could look into his hazel and and realize everything I wanted in life. I've known him since the eighth grade, back when he wasn't labled as "popular". We're still really close though. I'd rather be just friends with him than nothing at all. And maybe that's all we'll ever be. At least I know he cares about me, not entirely sure in which way exactly. Even though what I feel for him is more, I hope that one day he feels the same. Cause' my feelings for him may  never change.

Suddenly as I'm still talking to Alina, I feel someones arms wrap around me waist tightly from behind. Compressing my body against theirs. Sending chills down my spine. And in a deep, soothing voice I hear someone speak.

"Hey beautiful. Did you miss me?"


Notes:Ugh ! so this isn't a very long chapter, sorry. And I know it's not very interesting in the beginning but it's the introduction hah. So don't forget to comment and Vote. Promise I won't lag on the update. (p.s. sorry if there's major errors!)                                                ~ Lina                                                 

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