Chapter 4: Confessions

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It was Friday morning, and since we only had a half day because of the dance, I decided not to go to school. My dad was already at work, and my little brother had just left to school. I had pretty much all day to get ready for tonight. I didn't have a date, and Alina still hasn't answered any of my calls for some reason. Not that it mattered, I was going to the dance wether I had a date or not.

My dress was picked out and everything. It was a tight, red, strapless dress. It had sequences on the center chest area. My brother laughed at me when I first showed him the dress, he said I looked like a stripper. I decided to pair the dress with some red lipstick and heels, which probably did make me look like a stripper. I curled my hair and flipping everything over on one side. I had to look on point.

As dusk arrived I anxiously got ready to leave. Just before going out, I looked in the mirror and carefully examined myself from top to bottom. Making sure I look irresistably attractive.

As I approached school, now in the student parking lot, I noticed a group of guys staring at me.

"Damn cutie! Why don't you come on over here!" one of them yelled. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to actually go over there, but I knew one of the guys personally. His name was Jason, I've known him since freshman year.

"Jason, go holler at someone else." I laughed.

"No way?! Jazlene? You look so... wow." Jason studdered with a grin on his face.

"Thanks, but you can close your jaw now." I chuckled, walking towards his truck.

"So did your come here with a date?" I asked him

"Nah, I'm just here to crash and supply." he replied holding out bottles of patron and vodka.

"Want first drink?" he asked holding out the bottles towards me.

"Hah. She's not even like that man, she can't hang." one of Jasons friends tells him. And I wasn't. Yet lately, I didn't even know what I was. It didn't really matter to me anymore. So I took the bottle from Jasons hand, looked at his friend and replied with, "Baby, you don't even know me." as I chugged down some of the patron , loving every gulp. Tonight was a night of no regrets.

"Alright, lets go crash this joint." I said, grabbing a hold of Jasons arm and dragging him into the gym. As we walked in, there were lights flashing everywhere. Just my being there you could feel the music vibrate throught you. It was paradise.

With Jason beside me, people thought that we were a couple. They started complimenting us on what a cute couple we made, which made us both laugh our asses off. We quickly separated after. I went through the crowed of people hoping to somehow to find Danny in the mash of juniors. I pushed my way through scanning for him, my butt was grabbed at least five times.

With no sign of him, I went to the punch bowl, obviously knowing it was spiked. I drank a cup, not expecting it to be as strong as it was. I watched others dance and laugh, envying their happiness. So I tried to join the rest of the juniors. I put down my cup, and walked up to this cute guy and automatically began grinding on him. His friends were all cheering, but I just focused on dancing on him. His warm breath lingered down my neck smelling of pure alcohol. I turned around, leaning in to kiss him. only to be stopped by a blond haired boy who pushed my body against his, causing us to kiss. I bit his lip gently, causing him to want me more then he clearly already did. I decided to pull away leaving him wanting more, and without a word I left back for another drink. I grabbed a cup of "punch" and began to sip it only to be disturbed by a familiar voice.

"I'm guessing no one wanted to go with you?" Veronicas tongue twisted out.

"Does it look like I even care? No." I replied.

"Well you should, but being the tramp you are I guess you can't just stick to once guy for a night."

"Veronica, it must be hard living a life in which everyone despices you." I snapped at her.

"Your one to talk, well I best be getting back to my date." Veronica said, walking up to a guy who I couldn't recognize clearly.

As I finished my drink, I walked up to Veronicas date and slowly began to rock my body against his.

"What the hell? Jazlene get off of him!" she demanded.

"Veronica, I'm a little busy dancing right now, and your date doesn't seem to mind," I deviously responded, continuing to dance on him.

"Jazz?" I heard Dannys voice arise behind me. I turned around only to realize that Veronica was the one who had asked before me.

"Oh, hey babe." I said, pulling him by his shirt closer to me. Pressing my lips against his, as he pushed his tongue in my mouth by suprise. I could feel his warm hands slide down my body as I ran my fingers though his soft hair.

"Jazlene! Your such a tramp! Get your filthy mouth off of him!" she yelled. I was actually suprised that no one payed attention or heard her. It seemed the music had put everyone in a trance. I broke the kiss only to respond to Veronica.

"Hey, get out of my face, before I smack yours." I boldly responded. I quickly felt my face being pushed towards Dannys to resume where we left off, after Veronica stomped away. I bit his lip, causing him to groan slightly which sent smooth shock waves downs my body.

"Lets go outside." I whispered in his ear, leading him out of the gym and past the football field.

"Where are we going?" he asked in a deep voice.

"You'll see babe, hold on." I replied, continuing to lead him.

"Behind the bleachers?" he questioned.

"It's the onlly palce where we can get some privacy babe." I said, sitting him down.

"If this is what you want." he said with slight uncertainty. I sat on top of his lap putting my arms around his neck, as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. We were chest to chest now. I could feel his solid abs pressing against me, making me bite my lip. I felt his hardness against me, which only got me even more turned on then I already was. He began to kiss my neck, leaving wet kisses up and down. He then started to then kiss my lips. When out of the sudden, he lifts me up, pinning me to the cold fence. I wrapped my legs around his waist, causing my dress to slip up. He then began to slowly and gently slip his hand up my dress. I could see the lust glimmer in his hazel eyes. Without ever breaking the kiss he layed me downs on the grass, hovering my body. I could hear thunder roar which intensified the moment, sending my heart racing.

"Babe, we don't have to do this now." he said softley.

"I want to." I said, unzipping his pants.

"Just stop Jazz, your drunk. I don't want you to regret anything once your sober." he said, pulling my hands off of him.

"So you really don't want to have sex with me? Am I that repulsive?" I questioned with sorrow in my voice.

"Believe me Jazz, I really do want to. But, when that time comes, I want you to be you. Right now your wasted." I quickly stood up.

"This is bullshit! I tried Danny, I tried so damn hard to get you! All I want is for you to love me, tell me I'm yours! Say that you need me, just please Danny! Let me know that I mean something to you!" I yelled at him, slurring my words with tears running downs my face. Allowing my mascara to run.

"Jazlene, you mean the world to me. I have never met anyone who is as gorgeous as you. The moment I saw you I knew, I couldn't let you leave my life without making you mine. I dream of holding you in my arms, without ever having to let go. Jazlene, I am completely, and unconditionally in love with you."

It started to pour down raining, as he got me close and wrapped me in his arms, sheltering me from the cold. I leaned my head against his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. Embracing the warmth of his body.

"Danny, don't ever leave me..." I said having my heart skip beats.

"Where else am I gunna' go Jazz, I've got everything I need right here."


Note: So yes, I realize that this chapter was a little sexual, but I didn't take it far. I kept my promise and made this chapter a bit long, so I hope you guys liked it. Don't for get to comment and vote. ~ Lina

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