Chapter 2: Opportunities

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                          I immediantly tensed up. The touch of his firm, yet gentle hands on me sent shock waves down my body. He rested his chin on my shoulder, making me laugh. I unwrapped his arms from my waist and immediantly turned around to hug him. The smell of his sweet cologne drifted to my nose sending me to my own paradise. We fit so perfectly. There, in eachothers arms. It was hard to let go. I felt so, safe.

                        I could tell people were staring, and so was Alina, but I didn't care. People were talking anyways, why not give them something else to talk about. As the bell rang, we said our byes and went on to first period. On my way to my english class I noticed Veronica walking by. Her dark brown eyes glaring at me, as usual. You see, Veronica and I have this history together. I don't mean the good memories type of history, I'm talking about World War 2 type of history between us. It all started freshman year  when she accused me of being with her boyfriend , which wasn't true. She started labeling me the school tramp. Which didn't bother me because almost everyone in our highschool knows that she's the tramp. Ever since then she swore that one day she would get me back. Still waiting for that to happen.

As I finished my huge lecture in english, I saw Danny standing in front of a huge banner hung outside.

                    "Hey Jazz! Come look at this." Danny called from across the quad.

                    "SADIES! A Night to Remember ~ Pick up your tickets now." the banner read.

                    "Well that sounds exciting!" I said sarcasticly.

                    "Whatever, your so lame." Danny teased.

                    "Oh I'm sorry, it's just I find sadies pretty lame."

                    "What are you talking about? You get to out and ask the guy of your dreams to go to  the  dance with you. Don't tell me you don't want that." Danny said encouragingly.

                     "Well I do, but it's complicated." I answered hesitantly.

                     "How? It's not like he would say no." He replied.

                     "You don't know that for sure. He doesn't see me as anything very special." I said uncertainly.

                     "Actually, I do. You obviously don't realize how amazing and special you are Jazz.  Whoever your planning on asking must be on crack to say no to you. Your beautiful, smart, funny, I could go on forever. And Jazlene, don't ever let anyone tell you differently." He said defensively.

                    I suddenly felt butterflies arouse in my stomach, to think that he thought that about me.

                    "Wow Danny, that was..."

                   "Your welcome babydoll." he said, speaking softly in my ear. Causing my insides to go crazy. Danny always seemed to have that effect on me whenever he spoke like that to me, which was pretty much all the time.

                   After that, I went through the rest of my classes. Only to be thinking about what he said, about having to be on crack to say no to me. Which in my case, I hope he isn't. I realized that I needed major advice from Alina. I wasn't sure wether to ask him or not. Sadies is the opportunity I've been looking for to show Danny how I feel about him. After school I speed walked home, probably looking like an old lady. Once I got home I ran upstairs not acknowledging my dad or brother, it wasn't that important at the time. i jumped on my bed pulling out my cellphone and pressing the buttons as fast as me fingers could go. Impatiently waiting for Alina to answer her phone.

                   "Hello?" Alina mumbled.

                  "Alina! I seriously need your help!"

                  "With what?" she questioned.

                  "Sadies." I stated

                  "Ohh My.. tell me everything." Once I finished expalining my situation to Alina she quickly came up with advice.

                  "Jazz you need to ask him, and fast. You known other girls are going to try to get at him." she explained. Which I knew was true, Danny was gorgeous and popular. It only made sense.

                 "I know, I know." I complained.

                 "Jazz, do you want him, or not."

                 "Yes, I want him Alina. I've always wanted him."

                 "Well nows your chance." she encouraged.

                 And it was, I knew what I had to do. The only thing stopping me from it was the chance of rejection. Part of me wanted to confess everything to him, but I'm not quite sure how strong that part of me is at this point. I still couldn't help but feel that Danny was hinting me to ask him. If he wasn't then I would feel like a complete idiot at this point. Regardless, I couldn't hold anything in much longer. I knew I had to ask Danny, and fast.


Note: For those of you who dont know, Sadies is a highschool dance in which the girl asks the guy to go. And, it's pronounced SAY-Dees  Hope you liked it.   Don't forget to Comment and Vote.       ~ Lina



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