Chapter 5: Out in the Open

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I sighed a sigh of not only stress, but of fear. Fear of rejection to be exact. I've never seen myself as girlfriend material exactly, I usually just go with the flow of things. But with Danny...with Danny everything seemed rushed, like a tornado of thoughts, feelings, and possibilities. It was something out of my control.

I could'nt get much sleep that night. My mind kept wandering about what Danny might do when I demanded to know our relationship status together. Maybe he'd laugh and say "We're just friends, remember?" with a cunning grin on his lips. Ugh. I'd probably punch him straight in the face if he responded that way. But maybe it was the truth, maybe we still are just friends. After all, we both were buzzed the night of the dance. Unaware of our full action, one thing led to another and that was all.

No...that can't be it. He feels something to me, I know he does. Why else would he tell me he did? I sure as hell feel something for him.

Now finished arguing with myself, I slowly drifted off to sleep. That was at around 2:50p.m. But it's now 8:30a.m., and I'm in a "no bullshit" mode. I threw on whatever I could in a rush, not caring to much on my appearance. Although, maybe I should have?

As I walked into the bathroom right before I Ieft for school, I attempted to give myself a speech, as if I were my own motivational speaker. I looked straight in the mirror and tried to remembered what Alina had told me the other day.

"Alright Jazz, it's now or never." I told myself.

"There needs to be some sort of closure, good or bad. No more flaking. This is it." I whispered to myself in a determined tone.

Walking to school I immediately saw Danny. Still focused on what I was contemplating earlier, I started to make my way towards him, only to be intercepted.

"Jazlene Malia Gonzales!" Get your ass over here!" Alina shouted form across the quad, attempting to sound serious by using my full name. I turned around and watched her walk over to me with her casual tank-top. jeans, and flip-flops outfit she sported on Mondays. Her hair thrown in beach waves as usual. I remember she had once told me "Jazz, maybe if your hair was'nt so thick, you would'nt be so grumpy after getting ready." Its was somewhat true, I had been known for my bad temper. But I was also very good at hiding it when necessary.

"Are you feeling alright?" she questioned firmly.

"Perfectly fine, don't worry."

"Did you want me to go with you?"

"No. Alina this something I need to do alone."

"I appreciate the offer though." I replied not intending to sound as rude as I did. And with that, I walked away. Continuing to make my way to Danny, who happened to be surrounded by all of his friends. I squeezed ,my way though all of the junior jocks and their barbie-perfect cheer leading girlfriends.

"Danny, we need to t-" my words quickly became cut-off as he interrupted.

"Jazz, just the girl I was looking for." he said with a wild grin on his face. After excusing himself from the crowd of athletes, he grabbed my hand and began leading me to an isolated area of campus, usually where all the fights, deals, and other action goes on at our school.

"Listen babe," he said in a soothing voice, pinning me against the building wall so that we were now chest to chest.

"Danny please don't." I begged, not wanting to relapse on what happened at the dance without knowing where we stood first,

"Jazz, I just wanted to-"

'No! Danny can I please just tell you whats on my mind for once?!" Danny took a step back, stood quiet as if surprised to realize that I was being serious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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