Chapter 4.

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3rd Pov:
& so, the next morning, Weiss was just waking up from sleeping so peacefully, until,


Ruby; "Good morning, Team RWBY!"

Weiss; "What was that for?!"

Ruby; "Now that you're up, we can begin our 1st order of business!"

Yang; "Decorating!"

Weiss; "What?"

Blake; "We still have to unpack"

As Weiss was processing the whole thing, she noticed that something was missing.

Weiss; "Uhh, where's Y/n? Isn't he supposed to be our roommate?"

Once she brought it up, the others noticed he wasn't with them too.

Blake; "Oh, hey! I found a note. Y/n wrote it. This should explain where he is"

& so, the girls gathered round to read the note, & this is what he wrote.

"Team RWBY, if your already reading this, then your probably wondering where I am right now. I already woke up before any of you, & already got myself ready for the day. Yeah, I know I didn't stick around for your unpacking/decorating ordeal, but the thing is, I really don't have a lot of things to unpack since everything I've ever owned is back on Earth & is most likely already resold at this point. The only things I did bring was the clothes on my back & my phone wand which you now know is called a Morpher. I'll try to explain & answer any questions you might have later on. See you in class, Y/n L/n."

Yang; "Oh, well, that explains why he isn't here"

Ruby; "Ok! Weiss, Blake, Yang, & their fearless leader Ruby have begun their 1st mission! Banzai!"

Yang/Blake; "Banzai!"

& so the decorating began.
Yang put up a poster of her favorite boyband, Weiss hung a painting of a forest in the season of fall, Blake was placing her books on a bookshelf, & Ruby placed a curtain over the window with the aid of Crescent Rose.
Once they were done, the beds were piled on top of each other.

Weiss; "This isn't going to work"

Yang; "We could ditch some of our stuff"

Ruby; "Or we could ditch the beds... (Gasp) & replace them with bunkbeds!"

Blake; "It does seem efficient"

& so with some adjustments, Yang's bed was over Blake's bed supported by Blake's spare books, & Ruby's bed was over Weiss' bed hanging by strong bindings of rope.

Ruby; "Alright! Our 2nd order of business is.... classes. Ok, we have a few classes together today starting at 9:00-"

Weiss; "What?! It's 8:55 now, you dunce!"

Ruby; "Wh-what?! Jeeezz! To class!"

& just like that, they darted straight for the 1st class of the day with Team JNPR right behind them.

Y/n's Pov:
I have already woken up before the girls did, & really didn't have much brought with me since I 1st arrived here in Remnant. So I got ready for class & managed to write a note to the girls to let them know where I am. I managed to arrive ½ hour early & just wait.
At 8:50, the other students were starting to show up.
& at 8:59, the doors bursted open to reveal teams RWBY & JNPR just getting in & out of breath.

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