The so called 'mistake'

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Scarletts P.O.V.

I have been avoiding everyone because my sister's death anniversary is today. I came to school with a hood over my head and tears in my eyes. God I am so weak. It's been a few months and I plan to go see her tonight. I walk the halls like a shallow person, someone not me.

Classes went by faster and I am glad because that means that I have more undivided attention to belle. I haven't talked to my friends or Nicklaus in almost a week. Nicklaus, I don't think is taking it very well, but I don't know why because he barely knows me.

I got to my car and sat in my car, but I couldn't start the car. I sat there for a good five minutes before someone knocked on my window. I looked up to see my best friends there with flowers.

I smiled knowing that they wanted to come with me. "Hey guys, what are you waiting for? get in." They got in and they both sat in the back. I know why but they did, and I was kind of glad because I hate when people sit up front with me ever since what happened.

We arrived at the grave and put down flowers, we sat there with tiers in are eyes.

"Remember the time when we were riding around in your sister's new car, and she saw that really hot guy and then we stopped there at the coffee shop. You were told not to say anything about the fact that she thought that he was cute...." Cressa said but she couldn't finish it so I did.

"Ya, that was exactly what I did. I remember what I said too. I said, 'You know my sister thinks you're cute but you look to old for her so I don't like you."

"Haha, we were like eleven, after that your sister never said anything like that in front of you until you were fourteen." Olive said in a sweet tone, we sat there in silence but a good silence.

There was a noise in the bush and we all looked up to see my father.... 

~Authers Note~

Not much a cliffhanger.   

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