Happiness last but so long

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Scarlett P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with a sinking feeling that something good wasn't going to come out of this day. But whatever would happen I would fight for the happiness that I have now because it took me way too long to find it, I have to keep it.

It was that day of the week where our group of friends gets together, and we spend the day together. When they knocked on my door, I opened it and the girls, and I screamed.

No matter how many times we see each other we do it every time, it never fails. Stellan is the beta and Casper the gamma, and Seth the head warrior. We see each other almost every other day and it makes me happy because I feel like I'm making up for lost time.

"So, peoples where we be heading today." They all looked at me with concerned faces. "Ok look I had no idea what happened from me talking to a pirate. Leave me alone geez." I just rolled my eyes and fell on the couch.

"I have an idea. What if the guys have a day and then the girls have a day and then we meet at the ice cream shop in the middle of town?" Caressa said.

"We love it." We all said in unison. After a few seconds of looking at each other we burst out laughing.

After a few minutes of saying goodbyes the women and the men went different ways. As we were at the.... Mall. Eww hate the mall. But anyway, not the point, we all stopped.

"I am pregnant." Olive said. Me and Caressa looked and her for a few seconds and then screamed so loud that everyone around us looked at us because they thought that someone was shot or something. "I'm going to be an aunt." Me and Caressa said that at the exact same time which made us laugh harder.

"I need a godmother for my child." She said, looking at us strongly.

"Not me." I said because I knew that Caressa really wanted that position.

"Thanks Scarlett." She said and winked at me. "Scarlett is going to be my godmother of my child when that comes around."

"And." I quickly added, "Olive is my godmother. That way everyone gets to be a godmother. Yay." We just laughed.

A few more hours passed by then dragging me around. I had to carry all of our bags. I looked at my watch and realized that we were late for meeting the boys.

"Guys we are going to be late." I said, trying to clap my hands to get their attention.

"What are you talking about we have-" Caressa stopped talking when she saw the time. "Ohhh, they are going to kill us." We quickly bought things and left. We left as fast as we could to the car without falling or dropping bags.

All of us made it to the car in one piece. I called Nick to tell him what happened, and he laughed at me. And he couldn't stop so I said, "If you keep laughing at me, I am not going to have your children." He stopped really quick. "That's what I thought." I turned the blinker of telling everyone behind and in front of me I was going right. "Look I will be there soon, like five minutes at most. Look, I got to go. Love your bye."

I hung up the phone just to realize that I love you. Olive and Caressa looked at my shocked face and burst out laughing. "It's not funny, what if he doesn't say it back." I started to do the what if game in my head. I didn't even realize that we were already here.

I took a deep breath and put my big girl panties on and got out of the red jeep and walked inside. I saw Nick and the guys outside of the bar on the patio. We all walked outside and sat with them and enjoyed ourselves in converseness when nobody else was paying attention Nick said, "love you." I smiled. Big.

It was an hour later when I felt the nagging feeling that something bad was about to happen. I look up to see someone standing there look at our table.

They moved out of my sight and then didn't think anything of it. Ten minutes pass and I finally see who it is. I stood on my feet and started to walk to them, but my wrist was caught. I looked down to see Nick looking up at me with the look what-are-you-doing? I gave him a smile and nodded. In other words, put his mind to at ease.

I walked across the street (looking both ways.) To the person on the other side of the road. "What do you want, mother?" I asked her in her face.

"I heard that you were a Luna and I wanted to see you." I looked at her and scoffed and said the next thing with confidence.

"No, you weren't leaving me alone, don't ever come back." I was halfway across the road when I walked back up to her and punched her in the face and walked off. She is here and I know that she is dying. I can smell the sickness on her.

~Authers note~

Thank you so much for reading my book. I hope you loved it.

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