Prologue I

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The world was bathed in red. It was enchanting, ethereal; almost beautiful to the point of being painful. All around me was ash and fire. My eyes stung and my throat burned with a pungent chemical taste, longing for a reprieve; for a breath of clean, fresh air. I allowed my eyes to wander and my gaze trailed along the battle-worn terrain. Where was this place? Surely it couldn't be Crysauralia, the famed capital of the empire of gold.

My legs felt like jelly and I sank to the ground in disbelief, not caring that I was sitting upon a throne of cinders. This was no enchanting fairytale. This was a waking nightmare.

A sharp rush of pain shot through my body. There was still one more enemy to defeat. Snippets of memories flew through my mind and I slowly rose to my feet and stood unmoving, staring at the remnants of a future slowly fading.

Only I could put an end to this. This was our final goodbye.

The King's QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora