Chapter 52

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"We need to find Luca's complement-someone whose unique ability allows them to manipulate darkness."


"Happy birthday, Ashton!"

His cobalt blue eyes met my mine with a sweet smile and I nestled my head against his chest, deeply inhaling his comforting scent. I'd missed this. I'd missed being so close to him.

Now, we were finally together again.

We didn't get much sleep last night, either. After being separated for what felt like a miserable eternity, there was so much that we'd wanted to say and do. Sleeping felt like such a waste of the precious time that we got to spend together.

I glanced up at him through my lashes, and the heavy bags under his eyes were the informants of how little sleep he'd gotten these past few weeks.

The tips of my fingers traced idle circles along his biceps and chest, making winding loops up to the sharp edge of his jawline, and he graciously tilted his head closer to mine with a soft smirk—confidently basking in my adoration. His defined handsomeness never failed to take my breath away. I couldn't believe how close we'd come to losing each other. I would not allow anyone to tear us apart again.

I sincerely wanted to mend things with Luca, but he had no intention of ever accepting Ashton. Perhaps if they met face to face, Luca would realize that Ashton was different from Emperor Caden... or he would try to set him on fire.

I wasn't a big fan of the latter option.

Who knew what kind of lies Rosaline was feeding him right now? I wished I could take off my sealing ring and talk to him through the mind-link. I longed to explain everything to him and assure him that I had never intended to leave the Spade Kingdom before he got back.

"What's the matter, my love?" Ashton asked after noting my growing frown.

"I'm thinking about Luca... and also about how I wanted your birthday to be special—memorable. You should be celebrating today with your mom and sister, but instead, you're stuck here because of me."

An incredulous light seeped into his eyes, and a brief chuckle fell from his lips. I stared at him in surprise. How could he laugh right now?

"It's not funny," I grumbled, lightly nudging his shoulder with mine.

"You always amaze me, Elizabeth." A smile danced across his face. "You're in front of me—alive. I couldn't have asked for more." He drew me closer to his body. "The fact that I can be here with you is more than enough."

"Even if we have to hide in an enemy kingdom?"

"Especially because we're hiding in an enemy kingdom."

"The prinarch tried to make me forget about you," he mumbled. "Every day he would use his unique ability on me to try to make me forget about you and fall in love with someone else. My mind was always at war against his, because I knew I'd see you again. I had to. I refused to accept that you were gone."

I placed my palm on his chest, feeling its gentle rise and fall with each breath. "I thought about you a lot, too. Every day, in fact. My love for you was no secret, not even to my father."

Ashton grimaced at the mention of Luca. "He's going to hate me, isn't he?"

"You don't have to worry about that. He already hates you."

"Absolutely terrific," he muttered.

I couldn't help but smile as I continued my art of tracing the contours of his face. "Ash..."

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